States Rights! Economic Development! Will of the People!
Unless we don't like it. Then screw all of that. To Uncle Sam to force my will on Colorado! Tra la la!
Poorly thought out, hypocritical case. Facts aren't clear, law seems shady (Oklahoma doesn't like Colorados law that might affect Oklahoma). Seems like another in a long line of losers for Oklahoma's Attorney General's office, to along with:
1) Suing Arkansas
2) Suing Texas
3) Suing Uncle same repeatedly
4) Gay marriage
5) 2009 Tort reform
6) 2011 Tort reform
7) Most of the provisions in the new WC law
I dont think Oklahoma requires a state permit for certain types of firearms illegal in other states. Missouri is one of those states. Can Missouri sue Oklahoma to force Oklahoma to make firearms Missouri doesn't like illegal because some citizen of Missouri might utilize Oklahoma's added freedoms to break the law in Missouri? Seems crappy to me. Alcohol sales are legal in New Mexico on Sundays... should we sue New Mexico because Oklahomans might go over there and buy beer on Sunday?
Better yet: the reasoning is stupid. More pot coming in to Oklahoma from Colorado?
Question: How much pot did the average Oklahoma citizen smoke before pot was legal in Colorado?
Answer: however much pot an Oklahoman chose to buy.
Did you ever hear the police say "the war on drugs has been really successful, we've cut down on the pot supply to the point where it is hard to get." Because all of the people I know that smoke(d) pot didn't seem to have a real tough time getting it. Some of them didn't even have much money, but seemed to be able to obtain and afford marijuana long before it was legal in Colorado.
What makes legal pot in Colorado all of a sudden flood the Oklahoma market? They haven't had time to build up over size grow operations. If anything, one would think the marginal increase in demand (former casual users that are now professionals may rejoin the market and buy recreational marijuana whereas before they had a greater risk of damaging their career with criminal charges, etc.). One would think an increase in demand would make marijuana harder to come by in neighboring states as Colorado "sucked up" the market supply. Weren't we all told there would be a huge increase in demand and illegal trafficking if we made it legal?
Anyone "know someone" who frequently purchases marijuana and can say if it is easier or harder, cheaper or more expensive to get marijuana in Oklahoma?