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October 08, 2024, 09:57:19 am
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Author Topic: Downtown Development Overview  (Read 1170559 times)
dbacksfan 2.0
City Father
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« Reply #2175 on: August 17, 2024, 06:01:04 pm »

I can sure remember when the Coney-I-Lander was under that motel.  It's a parking garage now I believe, and the I-lander moved over next door to one of the TexMex restaurants downtown (name escapes me) next door to Sisserou's.

Been to that one. Isn't it sort of separate from the others? A close friend told me their was a divorce, or something similar, and that the restaurants were split in some way.

Seems it was Economou kept the downtown location and the others were owned by a former family member.
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Tulsa, OK 74114
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