Sorry for the long post, but I should have started a thread on my little slice of Tulsa 10 years ago.
I've lived near 31st and Harvard for nearly 15 years now. A good bit has changed and a good bit more is changing just in the square mile surrounding the intersection. Few things truly of note on a municipal scale, but I was thinking of all the changes in the last 15 years in this small area that is +/- half a mile of 31st and Harvard. Since we don't have an active neighborhood group, I'm starting one here.
I lived in the southeast square mile corner (poor area) 3 different times in the 50's and 60's for a grand total of about 8 - 10 years. I still like the area and have many fond memories.
Safeway at the southeast corner. Walmart Market now?? Would walk from home to get candy, pop, etc. In summer, after walking that half mile or so, would go to the freezers, open the door and just stand there 'cooling' off and breathing that icy cold air! Always refreshing.
Had my first savings account at Home Federal on the northeast corner. Bank of Oklahoma now, it looks like. Kept that account from about 1956, through Sooner Federal times, until the Ronald Reagan Memorial Savings and Loan bust of the early 80's.
Lived in a house near 40th and Jamestown on the cul de sac (mid 50's) where the family got it's first gas powered lawn mower. Lawn Boy. Red engine, green deck. That sucker could mow so much more than a reel type push mower!! It was astounding at the time! Not all the lots were filled in at the time - still building up. By the time we got back in the 60's, it was all full as well as the main arterial streets.
Same house - got to see my first tornado! Was coming from west (of course) pointed "at" us, but moving slightly to the south. The entire neighborhood was out in front yards watching! Good times!!
Lived at 3500 block on South Toledo for a while. There was a small oak tree in the front that was planted when the house was built. Today - that tree has a plaque in front of it placed by some organization I never heard of "celebrating" the age of the tree as being planted before statehood!! Geeeezzzz.... It was about 12" diameter in early 60's. I buried a 'time capsule' at the base of that tree with a note in it, and a small handful of coins. Mostly pennies, but a few nickels, couple of dimes, and I think 1 quarter! All silver, since it was before 1964!
Lived there when Kennedy was assassinated. They closed school and sent us home because "someone shot Mr. Kennedy"....all the kids were puzzled as to why someone would shoot our Principal...whose name was Mr. Kennedy. Found out it was the other one when we got home.
Mockingbird Lake was just a couple blocks away and always fun to go visit.
Church at 35th and Harvard is bigger - and we didn't have the playground they have now!!
Would go wandering through the Ranch Acres area - had friends that lived there, so would go play with them. Was astounded at the size of those houses then compared to the "closets" we lived in at the time....
The Methodist Manor compound on 31st was just one old brick building - the rest of the land was just bare. Made a nice playground.
Whiteside Park had a perfect bath building where a friend and I would go to smoke! He would steal cigarettes from his mom and we would go sit behind the pool to burn them up. We were both 6. His older brother is a local businessman in BA selling lawn/garden equipment. Good guys! Pool is gone now.