I can remember in the mid 70s going to the Glue Dobber field (RC planes) with my dad, which at that time was on the SE corner of 41st and 145th East Ave, and seeing what looked like a big concrete box out in the middle of the field at 21st and wondering what in the hell it was. Only took them almost 20 years to complete it.
Yes I remember being taken as a kid to see the Glue Dobbers in the early 70's.
My junior year at Hale, 79/80, I was one of the photogs for the paper and year book, and we were working onnthe idea of a parody issue of the paper, and I went with another photog and we took pictures of the Union Depot when it was abandoned back then that was going to be the old high school and then we went out to Eastland and while taking pictures outside of it security rolled up and gave us the okay for being outside just don't go inside.
There were pallets and pallets of what looked like concrete pillows that were bags of mortar/cement mix that had gotten soaked the concrete set and then the paper weathered away. There was the steel framework of a two story bank on the south west corner of the intersection. It had a metal spiral staircase in the center near the big concrete box that was going to be a vault. It was reminiscent of when this was a bank on 31st near Darlington.