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Author Topic: Iran Situation REALLY Heating Up  (Read 37579 times)
T-Town Elder
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Connoisseur of fine bacon.

« Reply #60 on: June 25, 2009, 03:33:08 pm »

It was my ballsy posts that got me evicted, sucker puncher ingnoranus.

Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an a$$hole

I thought it was profanity, name calling, generally threatening behavior that got you banned?

But thank God you're back now, all reformed and productive. 

Your compatriots on this forum were beginning to show a real capacity to discuss topics without being "aided" by the devil. 

You are gifted at reducing what would normally be a subtle ideological difference into an honest expression of the most liberal view of a topic.  I think that helps your fellow travelers identify their political positions as representative of your example, or not.

I always look forward to Monday mornings when I can sort through FOTD posts and determine the quantity and quality of the cannabinoid flowing into our fine city.

You are a beacon and an example sir. 

I for one believe that banning the devil would be a sin.

I appreciate you. 


When attacked by a mob of clowns, always go for the juggler.
« Reply #61 on: June 25, 2009, 03:53:33 pm »

Thanks. But this demon is just channeling the devil.

* sameside.jpg (7.44 KB - downloaded 333 times.)
« Reply #62 on: June 26, 2009, 11:08:37 am »

I don't think we should have allowed ourselves to be in this position.  We have always maintained a stance for freedom.  The world looks to us for immediate response and we usually offer the exact same reliable stance.  Our words have power and our message should be one of hope and strength.
................................ Weakness on our part now will only guarantee war later.  Sorry to sound like a Churchill speech.

That's your problem.  And our problem.  
Those who don't know their history will be doomed to repeat it.
Winston Churchill never cared about the Iranian people; Churchill cared about oil.
And Jimmy Carter continued American foreign policy and supported the Shah of Iran dictatorship........

Here's some Reagan koolaid for you... http://www.hulu.com/watch/40598/historic-campaign-ads-iran-reagan-1980

And here's Reagan in his debate with Jimmy Carter at his NAIVE WORST.  Instead of speaking out against a propped up dictator (the Shah), he said this:

We as a nation have had DECADES to stand up for Iranian democracy.... but we didn't.  American muslims and muslim international students who study here have been frustrated by an American middle east policy that they see as bought and paid for by AIPAC.  

AIPAC Considered One of Top US Lobbies  May/June 1991

A bitter legacy
The Guardian, Friday 30 March 2007

This anti-British sentiment is shared by ordinary Iranians. Its resonance defies boundaries of age, education, social class or political affiliation. In the eyes of a broad cross-section of the population, Britain - as much, or even more than, the US - is the real enemy.
In 1901, William Knox D'Arcy, a London-based lawyer and businessman, was granted exploration rights in most of Iran's oil fields for the princely sum of £20,000. It took several years for D'Arcy's investment to bear fruit but when it did - after he struck oil in Masjid-e Suleiman in 1908 - its effect was enduring and fateful.

It turned out to be the world's largest oil field to date and a year later, D'Arcy's concession was merged into the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC). In 1913, with war clouds gathering in Europe, the British admiralty - under Winston Churchill - discarded coal in favour of oil to power its battleships. To safeguard the decision, the government bought a 51% stake in APOC. The importance of oil - and Iran - in British imperial expansion was now explicit. It was a priority of which Churchill, for one, would never lose sight.

For the next four decades, the oil company and Britain remained close to the heart of Iranian political and economic life and became twin sources of burning national resentment.

Meanwhile, anger over the arrogant behaviour of the now-renamed Anglo-Iranian Oil Company - it later became BP - was leading inevitably to a fateful confrontation between Britain and Iran. Resentment over Iran's paltry share of company profits had festered for years. In 1947, out of an annual profit of £40m, Iran received just £7m. Iranian anger was further fuelled by the treatment of oil-company workers who were restricted to low-paid menial jobs and kept in squalid living conditions, in contrast to the luxury in which their British masters lived. Attempts at persuading the oil company to give Iran a bigger share of the profits and its workers a fairer deal proved fruitless. The result was a standoff that created conditions ripe for a nationalist revolt.

Into this ferment walked Mohammad Mossadegh, a lawyer and leftwing secular nationalist politician fated to go down as perhaps Iranian history's biggest martyr before British perfidy. Mossadegh was elected prime minister in 1951 advocating a straightforward solution to the oil question - nationalisation. It was a goal he carried out with single-minded zeal while lambasting the British imperialists in tones redolent of a later Iranian leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Within months, he had ordered the Iranian state to take over the oil company and expelled its British management and workers.
The oil company's executives were clamouring for a coup to overthrow Mossadegh. Attlee rebuffed the idea but when a Conservative government took office in October 1951, led by Churchill, it fell on more sympathetic ears.

With British power in decline, however, Churchill was unable to mount such a venture alone. American help would be needed. The result was Operation Ajax, a CIA-MI6 putsch that co-opted a loose coalition of monarchists, nationalist generals, conservative mullahs and street thugs to overthrow Mossadegh. With the economy teetering in the face of the British blockade, Mossadegh was ousted after several days of violent street clashes.

The shah, at that time a weak figure, had fled to Rome fearing the coup would fail. When he heard the news of Mossadegh's demise, he responded: "I knew they loved me." He subsequently returned to install a brutally repressive regime - maintained in power by the notorious Savak secret police -backed to the hilt by both America and Britain for the next 25 years.


« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 11:13:47 am by USRufnex » Logged
T-Town Elder
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Posts: 12171

« Reply #63 on: June 26, 2009, 02:56:40 pm »

Iranian government forces Neda's dad to tell people on state TV that the protesters killed Neda.


I sure am glad Obama canceled hot dog day with those jacka$$es.

Someone get Hoss a pacifier.
« Reply #64 on: June 26, 2009, 05:28:58 pm »

And I sure am glad we didn't have neocons and the Bush administration playing into the Iranian government's hands with more "axis of evil" rhetoric.   Tongue

Night of the living neocons
The shameless fools whose Iraq folly empowered Iran's hard-liners are back, smearing Obama as an appeaser
By Gary Kamiya


That these neoconservative pundits have the gall to talk about Iran at all, let alone pose as defenders of the Iranian people, would be stunning if it were not so familiar. For it was their own policies that were largely responsible for the rise of the hard-liners in Iran. As Islam expert Malise Ruthven notes in an essay on Iran in the current New York Review of Books, "external factors, driven by U.S. policies, were decisive" in thwarting Iran's nascent democratic movement. And of those U.S. actions, none was more consequential than the very "axis of evil" statement that the neocons are now tumbling over each other to glorify.

"George W. Bush's notorious 'axis of evil' speech in January 2002, linking Iran to its enemy Iraq and the maverick Communist republic of North Korea, undermined many of Khatami's achievements in improving Iran's international profile, and convinced the hard-liners that the Islamic Republic would become the next target in Bush's 'war on terror,'" Ruthven writes. "The build-up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq provided them with strong public support. In the local council elections of February 2003 -- one month before the invasion -- conservatives regained nearly all the seats they had lost in 1999 at the peak of the reformist movement. This was not a rigged poll: for unlike the parliamentary and presidential races, candidates for municipal elections are not vetted for 'Islamic suitability.' The right-wing victory was sealed two years later with Ahmadinejad's election as president."

In short, the very rhetoric the neocons are now demanding that Obama use backfired disastrously when Bush used it -- which is precisely why Obama has avoided repeating it. And, of course, the entire Iraq war greatly empowered Iran by removing its greatest enemy, Saddam Hussein, and shifting power to Iran's coreligionist Shiites.

One of the things the neocons would like the rest of us to forget is that they were the most ardent proponents of invading the very country whose people they now piously claim to support. Back in the heady "Mission Accomplished" days, the neocon slogan was "Wimps go to Baghdad -- real men go to Tehran." Leaving aside the fact that the neocons were a bunch of paper-pushing pundits ensconced in comfy right-wing think tanks who never "went" anywhere that didn't have room service, the point is that they have been burning to attack Iran for years -- an attack that would inevitably result in the slaughter of tens or hundreds of thousands of Iranians.


 The success of the March 14 Alliance in Lebanon, a major victory for the U.S., is widely attributed to the "Obama effect." Just one month of U.S. pressure induced Israel's far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to utter the magic words "Palestinian state." And most critically, as David Ignatius noted in an important column in Tuesday's Washington Post, Obama's openness to the Muslim world and more sophisticated presentation of America has empowered the reformers in Iran and throughout the Arab/Muslim world, and diminished the appeal of militant jihadism.

The neocons are demanding righteous outrage, and claiming that Obama's failure to deliver it is a sign of cowardice, moral relativism and even anti-Americanism. (Neocon pundit Charles Krauthammer claimed that Obama is displaying a "disturbing ambivalence toward [his] country.") But outrage is not a foreign policy, and their own "moral clarity" resulted in the maiming of an entire country and one of the worst foreign-policy debacles in U.S. history. Instead of mounting their bully pulpit yet again, they should be seeking a confessional.


Amen.   Angry

« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 05:34:50 pm by USRufnex » Logged
T-Town Elder
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Posts: 12171

« Reply #65 on: June 26, 2009, 09:08:06 pm »



Would you please stop with the "neocon" nonsense? Seriously, is everyone that is a Republican or opposes Obama a "neocon"?

Someone get Hoss a pacifier.
« Reply #66 on: June 26, 2009, 10:04:04 pm »

Bozone alert must have been lifted....Gwee DoeDoe returns.
T-Town Elder
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« Reply #67 on: June 27, 2009, 10:06:09 am »

Bozone alert must have been lifted....Gwee DoeDoe returns.

Nope, just having to work a little extra this week, you know, so I can pay more in taxes to offset bottom feeders/miserable failures like yourself.

Someone get Hoss a pacifier.
« Reply #68 on: June 27, 2009, 11:19:44 am »

Nope, just having to work a little extra this week, you know, so I can pay more in taxes to offset bottom feeders/miserable failures like yourself.

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aduk1-_nsc0&feature=player_embedded [/youtube]

« Last Edit: June 27, 2009, 11:25:10 am by FOTD » Logged
« Reply #69 on: June 27, 2009, 05:59:20 pm »


Would you please stop with the "neocon" nonsense? Seriously, is everyone that is a Republican or opposes Obama a "neocon"?

If it walks like a neocon (YOU) and quacks like a neocon (YOU), and consistently quotes neocons (YOU), then it IS a neocon (YOU).

"Obama hates freedom."  LIE FROM YOU.
"Obama is an idiot."  ANOTHER LIE FROM YOU.
"Obama is a liar."  I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?
"Obama is a coward."  YET ANOTHER LIE FROM YOU.
"Photoshop of the day."  NASTY VULGAR LIE FROM YOU.


I've never heard anyone within 6 months of a new president entering office, make such lewd and vulgar characterizations as you, you miserable excuse for a patriot. 
« Last Edit: June 27, 2009, 06:10:13 pm by USRufnex » Logged
« Reply #70 on: June 27, 2009, 06:04:42 pm »

Nope, just having to work a little extra this week, you know, so I can pay more in taxes to offset bottom feeders/miserable failures like yourself.

Nope, the wealthy are going to be paying higher taxes because we went back to the slightly more progressive Clinton tax code, a move that doesn't benefit the perverse little social climbers who hide behind their wives' apron strings (the only reason they can claim to make over $250k in the first place)........... perspective is a virtue.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2009, 06:27:12 pm by USRufnex » Logged
T-Town Elder
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Posts: 12171

« Reply #71 on: June 27, 2009, 06:25:33 pm »

Nope, you're paying more taxes because we went back to the slightly more progressive Clinton tax code, you perverse little social climber... hiding behind your wife's success and apron strings (the only reason "you" can claim to make over $250k)........... perspective is a virtue.

Really, when we began in the early 90s we were living in a small apartment, working minimum wage jobs (sound a little like you so far), and in college. WE earned everything we have through years of hard work and sacrifice (Oh, and I do quite well in my own right). Wealth envy is freakin hilarious thing sometimes. Now, I have to take my Bentley to the airport to get on my G-5 and fly to New York for dinner and a show. You? Ramen noodles and a porno?

Someone get Hoss a pacifier.
« Reply #72 on: June 27, 2009, 06:28:04 pm »

Really, when we began in the early 90s we were living in a small apartment, working minimum wage jobs (sound a little like you so far), and in college. WE earned everything we have through years of hard work and sacrifice (Oh, and I do quite well in my own right). Wealth envy is freakin hilarious thing sometimes. Now, I have to take my Bentley to the airport to get on my G-5 and fly to New York for dinner and a show. You? Ramen noodles and a porno?

* besthated.jpg (7.17 KB - downloaded 273 times.)
« Last Edit: June 27, 2009, 06:29:45 pm by FOTD » Logged
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T-Town Elder
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« Reply #73 on: June 28, 2009, 09:43:27 am »

Now, I have to take my Bentley to the airport to get on my G-5 and fly to New York for dinner and a show.

I can get to the airport.  Can I hitch a ride on the G5?

« Reply #74 on: June 28, 2009, 10:18:02 am »

I can get to the airport.  Can I hitch a ride on the G5?

i'm such a miserable failure I don't even know what a G5 is. Cheesy There's like one or two Bentleys in town. Saw one in the drive thru at Braums. Nouveau riche?
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