It seems like some kind of gift shop or traveling exhibit area to activate the ground floor would be a good filler until they can finish out the upper floors.
I believe some on staff have been pushing hard for that and there's been push back from others that won't allow that to happen unfortunately.
I know Blake is an easy target for people, but that assumption is ridiculous. Blake is not some mastermind of city 'quagmires' and this isn't a city issue.
The state bond proposal was only to pay for the building and there was supposed to be a supplemental bond or state funding for exhibit space that never happened. Thus we are in the spot we are now. You can thank the state legislature, not Blake for that.
The state gave upwards of $200 million to the First Americans Museum and they can't come up with $20-25 million for exhibits to finish this museum? It's ridiculous and typical of the state legislature to screw institutions in Tulsa because they think GKFF and others will step in to pay the bill as always.