I've been told the leases for these have none compete clauses that I believe were put in by River Parks that basically doesn't allow any other types of retail pretty much from Gathering Place up toward Southwest Blvd area. Seems pretty dumb to me, because this part of the trails is a prime spot to do some additional well thought out retail like a coffee shop, etc. especially in that area you mention north toward 18th/17th where that parking lot is. I'd love to see that parking lot infilled with commercial space like that Nixon's for example you showed. That lot is really unnecessary given all the on street parking on Riverside is always empty. You could even build out angled parking along Riverside if needed to get additional parking that would be lost from that lot being developed with some small retail spaces.
I'd be curious if the non-compete is only for bars/restaurants or if a coffee shop could operate. With the Cosmopolitan across the street at the 17th St parking lot and other large apartment buildings in the area I think it would do really well with a combination of neighborhood and trail user traffic. That is something that is definitely missing in Tulsa, a trailside coffee shop with views of the river.