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September 07, 2024, 07:35:24 am
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 on: August 17, 2024, 08:18:48 am 
Started by dbacksfan 2.0 - Last post by Hoss
I remember when Eastland was just an empty shell in the late 70's early 80's. I dated someone that lived in the apartments just west of the mall. Used to hate on Saturday mornings getting woken up by planes taking off.

That was such anninteresting events in that area back then. I always thought that that area was growing at the same time that 61st to 71st on Memorial started growing and then they built the Ford Glass Plant and the area along 21st between 129th and 145th just stopped.it didn't help that the anchors that were going into Eastland left for Woodland Hills.

About the Harvey Young project it looked overly ambitious. Sad to see it go, because it's had a long history there.
I seem to remember that several years ago a plane crashed in the lawn of the church south of the runway, and there was another one back in the late 70's early 80's that made an emergency landing there. It was a twin engine Beech that the nose gear would not come down, so TIA sent them there because it would be smoother on the grass. The pilot did a brilliant job of landing it, just spot on perfect.

I can remember in the mid 70s going to the Glue Dobber field (RC planes) with my dad, which at that time was on the SE corner of 41st and 145th East Ave, and seeing what looked like a big concrete box out in the middle of the field at 21st and wondering what in the hell it was.  Only took them almost 20 years to complete it.

 on: August 16, 2024, 08:05:31 pm 
Started by patric - Last post by Red Arrow

Might be time to answer truthfully, get a failing grade, go to court.

Teaching about Christianity is acceptable ONLY if other major religions are treated equally.  Maybe even some "minor" beliefs depending on locality.

Public Schools are not Sunday Schools.

 on: August 16, 2024, 07:54:16 pm 
Started by Conan71 - Last post by brettakins

 on: August 16, 2024, 04:01:08 pm 
Started by patric - Last post by patric

 on: August 16, 2024, 11:04:39 am 
Started by LandArchPoke - Last post by tulsamatt
I'm curious if anyone has heard any new rumblings on the convention hotel?

 on: August 15, 2024, 02:25:17 pm 
Started by Tulsan - Last post by SXSW
Cool early morning shot of the Medical Center construction

 on: August 15, 2024, 02:24:37 pm 
Started by LandArchPoke - Last post by SXSW
There was a plan for the Burnco property a few years ago that included a swanky new 2 story restaurant space, but construction costs were skyrocketing at the time, so it apparently got shelved.

I am guessing at this point that they simply had so many complaints that the city forced them to demolish the remainder. It stood as a ruin for far too long considering the prime location.

Maybe next year when interest rates come down a smidge, that will spur something back to life.

That and the owners are not developers..

I would love to see a strip of retail buildings there and then have the city finally do the streetscape project they have been discussing for years that adds new sidewalks, lighting and landscaping to both sides of Boston.

 on: August 15, 2024, 01:49:50 pm 
Started by LandArchPoke - Last post by shavethewhales
There was a plan for the Burnco property a few years ago that included a swanky new 2 story restaurant space, but construction costs were skyrocketing at the time, so it apparently got shelved.

I am guessing at this point that they simply had so many complaints that the city forced them to demolish the remainder. It stood as a ruin for far too long considering the prime location.

Maybe next year when interest rates come down a smidge, that will spur something back to life.

 on: August 15, 2024, 12:08:52 pm 
Started by LandArchPoke - Last post by AdamsHall
The Hodges Bend/Lowood fire is really sad. I drove by today and the exterior seems to be okay, although I read that the roof collapsed. Looked far less damaging than Burnco. Hope they can salvage the building and rebuild.

Drove by former Burnco (18th & Boston) this morning.  Didn't realize they had taken the remainder of that building to dirt.  Anyone know if that means a replacement structure is moving forward?

 on: August 12, 2024, 08:52:22 pm 
Started by dbacksfan 2.0 - Last post by dbacksfan 2.0
I remember when Eastland was just an empty shell in the late 70's early 80's. I dated someone that lived in the apartments just west of the mall. Used to hate on Saturday mornings getting woken up by planes taking off.

That was such anninteresting events in that area back then. I always thought that that area was growing at the same time that 61st to 71st on Memorial started growing and then they built the Ford Glass Plant and the area along 21st between 129th and 145th just stopped.it didn't help that the anchors that were going into Eastland left for Woodland Hills.

About the Harvey Young project it looked overly ambitious. Sad to see it go, because it's had a long history there.
I seem to remember that several years ago a plane crashed in the lawn of the church south of the runway, and there was another one back in the late 70's early 80's that made an emergency landing there. It was a twin engine Beech that the nose gear would not come down, so TIA sent them there because it would be smoother on the grass. The pilot did a brilliant job of landing it, just spot on perfect.

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