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Author Topic: You people hate Obama  (Read 77652 times)
truth teller
T-Town Elder
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« on: March 22, 2012, 04:54:40 pm »

You would think the President coming to Oklahoma would be a good thing. He was here working, specifically talking about energy policies, something you think that Oklahomans would want him to focus on. He didn't just fly in and do a press conference at the OKC airport, but went to a small town and spent the night. Even though not a single county in the state voted for him in his election, it was great that he came here to talk about an important topic and his visit would have to be a good thing for Oklahoma. You would think.

Oh no.

Every bit of his trip was criticized by you people. The cost of his trip was headlines in the Tulsa World. The comments added online to the story made me ashamed to live here. As much as I like the reporter who wrote the story, the very fact that they ran this story assures me that they often forget they are journalists. They become evangelists telling their audience what they figure the majority of them want to believe. The headline said the trip costs taxpayers 1.7 million dollars. Yes. $1.7 million is real money for a one day trip. But when we compare spending 720 million dollars a day on an eight year war in Iraq, it seems like a bargain. By the way, the cost in the story was calculated on what it costs to fuel the big plane.

You know the big plane known as Air Force one. It is a mobile office that the President travels in. Including the other Presidents like the one before him. I don't question the price used to move the plane. What I do question is why it was a headline this time. He does travel in it often. President Bush before him took the plane to Texas for vacation 77 times in his eight years as President (yes, Bush took an average of ten Texas vacations a year). I never remember a single story about any of those trips. I guess traveling to Crawford must just be cheaper or less headline worthy than traveling to Cushing.

It wasn't just the Tulsa World. KRMG followed every sound bite of Obama's speech they used with a counterpoint that they called Factcheck. It was always just some nitpicking argument. When Obama said they drilling rig counts were up in the United States, they countered with the point that drilling was down on public land. Who cares besides oil companies what land was drilled? The overall gallons was up. That is like saying that losing weight using an exercise bike doesn't count because you didn't take the bike outside. Production is up, but damn if anyone involved won't blame Obama anyway.
President Obama said that he will make sure that regulations won't get in the way of building the new pipeline from Cushing to Texas. He clearly stated that he was going to make sure and cut the red tape. This project will be very good for Oklahoma and having the President say that he is fast-tracking it would be seen as a positive by Oklahoma leaders.

I am wrong.

Does our Governor accept this good news gracefully? Here is her quote, "In this case the president's 'support' means that he will not actively use the federal bureaucracy to sabotage this project as he has so many others. This kind of intermittent 'support' for the industry is not good enough."

Does our congressman applaud the President for changing his mind to agree with him on the importance of this project? Here is his quote, "The American people, suffering under the weight of high gas prices, are sick and tired of political games and photo ops like what the President is doing in Cushing today."

I went to my facebook page. Even though I am probably facebook friends with most of the few liberals in Oklahoma, I know that most of my Oklahoma friends are conservative in their political views. Surely people would not just adamantly bash the President on the day he comes to our home.

Alas, wrong again.

Here are some samples..."I'm glad she (Fallin) is unafraid to tell the clown in chief where to get off.",..."Yes the Commander and Clueless needs to take a walk and continue south until he hits water...and for goodness sakes keep walking.",...and those are from people I consider friends.

The news people around here bash Obama. The elected officials are downright rude to him. Even my friends are talking about the trip as a chance to be mean.

You people really hate Obama. What am I doing living here and trying to make a better world for my kids? The hatred toward Obama will wear me out. I don't know how much longer I can put up with you people.

Power is nothing till you use it.
Fly in the Ointment
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« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2012, 05:07:49 pm »

You would think the President coming to Oklahoma would be a good thing. He was here working, specifically talking about energy policies, something you think that Oklahomans would want him to focus on. He didn't just fly in and do a press conference at the OKC airport, but went to a small town and spent the night. Even though not a single county in the state voted for him in his election, it was great that he came here to talk about an important topic and his visit would have to be a good thing for Oklahoma. You would think.

Oh no.

Every bit of his trip was criticized by you people. The cost of his trip was headlines in the Tulsa World. The comments added online to the story made me ashamed to live here. As much as I like the reporter who wrote the story, the very fact that they ran this story assures me that they often forget they are journalists. They become evangelists telling their audience what they figure the majority of them want to believe. The headline said the trip costs taxpayers 1.7 million dollars. Yes. $1.7 million is real money for a one day trip. But when we compare spending 720 million dollars a day on an eight year war in Iraq, it seems like a bargain. By the way, the cost in the story was calculated on what it costs to fuel the big plane.

You know the big plane known as Air Force one. It is a mobile office that the President travels in. Including the other Presidents like the one before him. I don't question the price used to move the plane. What I do question is why it was a headline this time. He does travel in it often. President Bush before him took the plane to Texas for vacation 77 times in his eight years as President (yes, Bush took an average of ten Texas vacations a year). I never remember a single story about any of those trips. I guess traveling to Crawford must just be cheaper or less headline worthy than traveling to Cushing.

It wasn't just the Tulsa World. KRMG followed every sound bite of Obama's speech they used with a counterpoint that they called Factcheck. It was always just some nitpicking argument. When Obama said they drilling rig counts were up in the United States, they countered with the point that drilling was down on public land. Who cares besides oil companies what land was drilled? The overall gallons was up. That is like saying that losing weight using an exercise bike doesn't count because you didn't take the bike outside. Production is up, but damn if anyone involved won't blame Obama anyway.
President Obama said that he will make sure that regulations won't get in the way of building the new pipeline from Cushing to Texas. He clearly stated that he was going to make sure and cut the red tape. This project will be very good for Oklahoma and having the President say that he is fast-tracking it would be seen as a positive by Oklahoma leaders.

I am wrong.

Does our Governor accept this good news gracefully? Here is her quote, "In this case the president's 'support' means that he will not actively use the federal bureaucracy to sabotage this project as he has so many others. This kind of intermittent 'support' for the industry is not good enough."

Does our congressman applaud the President for changing his mind to agree with him on the importance of this project? Here is his quote, "The American people, suffering under the weight of high gas prices, are sick and tired of political games and photo ops like what the President is doing in Cushing today."

I went to my facebook page. Even though I am probably facebook friends with most of the few liberals in Oklahoma, I know that most of my Oklahoma friends are conservative in their political views. Surely people would not just adamantly bash the President on the day he comes to our home.

Alas, wrong again.

Here are some samples..."I'm glad she (Fallin) is unafraid to tell the clown in chief where to get off.",..."Yes the Commander and Clueless needs to take a walk and continue south until he hits water...and for goodness sakes keep walking.",...and those are from people I consider friends.

The news people around here bash Obama. The elected officials are downright rude to him. Even my friends are talking about the trip as a chance to be mean.

You people really hate Obama. What am I doing living here and trying to make a better world for my kids? The hatred toward Obama will wear me out. I don't know how much longer I can put up with you people.
He could single handedly balance the budget, putting us in the positive, give everyone a good paying job, solve the energy problems for the next century, solve world hunger and bring about global peace, but someone would take the opportunity to say he is a bad person because secrete service escorted him to take the dog to the groomers, but would have also accused him of something if he had sent the dog with a staff member for the grooming.  As they say, haters are gonna hate.
Brain owner
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« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2012, 05:13:28 pm »

Mike, you arent alone.  Remember that almost a third of the vote went to Obama last time in Oklahoma.  Sometimes redneck politicians are the price you pay for living in such a beautiful place.

ἐγώ ἐλεεινότερος πάντων ἀνθρώπων εἰμί
Red Arrow
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« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2012, 05:34:22 pm »

The news people around here bash Obama. The elected officials are downright rude to him. Even my friends are talking about the trip as a chance to be mean.
You people really hate Obama. What am I doing living here and trying to make a better world for my kids? The hatred toward Obama will wear me out. I don't know how much longer I can put up with you people.

This all could have been avoided if we had elected McCain instead of Obama.  The Republicans would have been happy and of course the Democrats and everyone left of the far right are far to civilized to criticize the President.

Red Arrow
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« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2012, 05:47:53 pm »

You would think the President coming to Oklahoma would be a good thing.

I would just as soon not have the President visit, Democrat or Republican.  The visit causes the authorities to create Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) over a large area.  They are roughly the equivalent of if the Pres visited Tulsa downtown that no one would be allowed to drive a private vehicle within several miles of downtown. Got a "doctor's" appointment that you made 6 months ago? Too bad, you aren't going to get there.  (I chose "several miles" due to the speed and routing differences between planes and cars.  TFRs are typically a 30 mile radius, about 10 to 15 minutes in the average small plane.)

Red Arrow
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« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2012, 05:52:13 pm »

As they say, haters are gonna hate.

Yep, saw a lot of that between 2003ish and fall of 2008.  But then Bush deserved it because there could be no legitimate differences of opinion.  Bush was just plain evil and wrong.  The man didn't have a civil bone in his body.  And he was stupid too. He only got about the same grades in college as John Kerry.

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Just Cruz'n

« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2012, 06:03:36 pm »

Criticism by the populace is one thing, disrespect by elected officials is quite another. Our elected leaders looked bad on this occasion and their comments make the state look bad.

Mike, growing up here was tough enough. Getting educated here was a struggle. But the real education comes from living and working here. Its a different reality. Screw New York, if you can make it HERE for 18 years, you can make it anywhere. I kept thinking that the state would progress rather than regress. Then after reading a lot of its history I realized it hasn't changed. As your eyes are opened with maturity you begin to see the state as it really is and always has been. Then if you have any self respect you simply have to move on. Some people recognize it earlier than others.

At least we didn't make headlines like Dallas did in '63.

onward...through the fog
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« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2012, 06:25:12 pm »

Remember that almost a third of the vote went to Obama last time in Oklahoma.

yet 77 of 77 counties carried McCain Cheesy

Actually I thank you, I was just the other day wondering what that stat was.

I hope this will be one of the few posts I ever make in political...the less I hang out here, the less I'm gonna pre-judge you all as blithering idiots when I see you out there in the real world.
T-Town Elder
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« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2012, 06:29:19 pm »


Someone get Hoss a pacifier.
Ed W
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« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2012, 06:53:40 pm »

We'd be served better by politicians who can resist the urge to show up at some disaster, like Clinton did in OKC and Bush did in NYC, because the rescue and recovery efforts have to stop completely in order to accommodate their security needs.  Sure, I understand their need to be seen doing something to help, but in all honesty, when they're on the scene of a disaster, they merely impede the effort.  Bush may have seemed detached as he toured the devastation left by Katrina, but staying in the air was probably for the best.  He can be justifiably criticized for other failings regarding Katrina, but staying out of the immediate area was a good decision.

I seem to recall that the current administration approved more drilling permits than the previous one.  If that's true, why doesn't anyone in the media point it out when some pol claims President Obama is against drilling?  Has spin replaced journalistic integrity?


May you live in interesting times.
Red Arrow
T-Town Elder
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« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2012, 07:08:11 pm »

I seem to recall that the current administration approved more drilling permits than the previous one.  If that's true, why doesn't anyone in the media point it out when some pol claims President Obama is against drilling?  Has spin replaced journalistic integrity?

I usually hear the qualifier about private vs. public lands.  It's easy for the Prez to give me permission to put a pepper garden in my back yard.  When he gives me permission to stake off an area for a pepper garden  on a city golf course, that would be something to talk about.

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« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2012, 07:08:35 pm »

We'd be served better by politicians who can resist the urge to show up at some disaster, like Clinton did in OKC and Bush did in NYC, because the rescue and recovery efforts have to stop completely in order to accommodate their security needs.  Sure, I understand their need to be seen doing something to help, but in all honesty, when they're on the scene of a disaster, they merely impede the effort.  Bush may have seemed detached as he toured the devastation left by Katrina, but staying in the air was probably for the best.  He can be justifiably criticized for other failings regarding Katrina, but staying out of the immediate area was a good decision.

I seem to recall that the current administration approved more drilling permits than the previous one.  If that's true, why doesn't anyone in the media point it out when some pol claims President Obama is against drilling?  Has spin replaced journalistic integrity?

you have heard of the "pundit primer", have you not?  The RNC sends talking points to FoxNews every morning.  I smile you not.

US oil production on a steep upward rise, and US demand on a decline, but somehow Obabma to blame for the price of gas.
Ed W
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« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2012, 07:54:33 pm »

you have heard of the "pundit primer", have you not?  The RNC sends talking points to FoxNews every morning.  I smile you not.

US oil production on a steep upward rise, and US demand on a decline, but somehow Obabma to blame for the price of gas.

We're not the only large oil consumer on the planet.  India and China are rapidly expanding their economies and both are grabbing fuel supplies to do so.  It's a global market and we're all competing in it.

We need a game changing technology, one that puts American innovation in the forefront of industrial nations.  And we need it to be a government project, much like the Manhattan project.  If we leave it to the private market, either they'll stifle innovation to protect our current energy industry, or they'll make it proprietary so no one else can use it.


May you live in interesting times.
Fly in the Ointment
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« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2012, 07:56:25 pm »

Yep, saw a lot of that between 2003ish and fall of 2008.  But then Bush deserved it because there could be no legitimate differences of opinion.  Bush was just plain evil and wrong.  The man didn't have a civil bone in his body.  And he was stupid too. He only got about the same grades in college as John Kerry.
It tends to go either way, you have those who will find fault in what a president of the other party does, but it really seems to be going beyond stupid with stuff on Obama.  Of course, it's been four years since I've seen it the other way around so my memory may be a little diluted with time, but I don't think that it is that much.
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Put the "fun" back into dysfunctional, Tulsa!

« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2012, 08:25:27 pm »

Everyone here knows where I come from on this issue. If not, look through some of my threads and posts.

For 4 years, I have been pointing out the leaders of the Teabagger/GOP ilk have purposely let lies and deception ruin the political dialogue. Due to the lack of good judgement by those with a voice to calm, only John McCain stepped forward to grab the mic, divisiveness prevails.

Michael, you've shot me down before when I stated racism and intolerance guide the ship of hate besieged upon our leader and how unpatriotic it all seemed to me to be.

KRMG news reported the story of Obama's visit to Cushing using two people saying hateful things about our leader. One woman called him stupid. Another was vehement in her dislike for the man. The reporter then read a hateful comment off a FB page. I thought that was incredible. The local TV stations found people with positive points of view, but local hate radio is much of the catalyst to the underlying hatefulness day in and day out.
Basically, 150 years on and you'd think we'd be past the civil war. Instead we've got a cultural war holding the progress of a nation back.
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