Originally posted by Kiah
This Council and all subsequent Councils would retain the right to create NCDs, sua sponte, or repeal and replace the zoning code in its entirety for that matter, with 0% resident consent. Absent a Charter change, that function and discretion can't be taken away by an ordinance of a previous Council.
I'm not versed in the law, but that makes sense.
Proposed revisions to draft:
Change Section 1071 E to:
E. Initiation of NCD Guidelines and Zoning Map Amendments. 1. NCD Zoning Map Amendments Initiated by Application.
Amendments by application may be initiated in the following manner:
a. Any person, corporation, partnership, association, or any combination thereof having a legal and equitable interest in or to real property may file an application for an NCD zoning classification on such property in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 1703. A.;
b. An application shall include, in addition to those items contained in Subsection
1703. A., a statement of the criteria felt to have been met as set forth in this chapter, and may include photographs of the subject area, and any information deemed worthy for proper consideration. Such information and application shall be upon forms established by the City of Tulsa's Planning Department. The City of Tulsa's Planning Department shall assist applicants with the development of NCD Guidelines.
2. NCD Zoning Map Amendments Initiated by City Council.
In any instance, the Planning Commission, at the direction of the City Council, shall hold a public hearing, giving notice thereof, of a proposed NCD zoning map amendment. After holding the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall within 15 days transmit its report and recommendation to the City Council.
Add Section 1071.F.3:
3. Planning Commission Action on NCD Zoning Map Amendments.
After notice and public hearing, the Planning Commission shall vote to:
a. Recommend to the City Council that the application be approved as submitted; or
b. Recommend to the City Council that the application be denied.
An application recommended for approval shall be transmitted, with the report and recommendation of the Planning Commission, to the City Council within 15 days from the date of the Planning Commission action.
An application recommended for denial, shall not be considered further, unless the applicant within 15 days from the date of the Planning Commission action, files a written request with the City Clerk for a hearing by the City Council. The request for hearing shall be accompanied by the payment of a $15.00 fee. Upon notice of such request, the Planning Commission shall forthwith transmit the application and its report and recommendation, including all material and minutes, to the City Council.
In the event the Planning Commission arrives at a tie vote, the application shall be transmitted with a report and notation of the tie vote, to the City Council within 15 days from the date of the Planning Commission action.
I don't know how to control indents on these posts, and I've made no attempt to re-arrange the subsections. But I've done my best to insert the proposed revisions where I think they should be within the ordinance.
The intent is:
- to make the NCD process originate with property owners who actually want to have an NCD;
- to exclude owners of property who do not wish to be included within an NCD;
- to exclude the TMAPC and INCOG staff from the initiation process;
- to keep the process primarily between the City Council and the actual owners of the properties in question;
- to provide planning assistance from the City of Tulsa's Planning Department;
- to exclude the TMAPC and INCOG staff from the formulation of NCD boundaries and Guidelines; and
- to have the TMAPC merely approve or deny applications.