Title: Oklahoma #2 Worse State to Live and Work In Post by: patric on July 15, 2023, 08:38:05 am Overall health in Oklahoma is not okay, with one of the nation's highest rates of drug abuse, and the second-highest rate of people without health insurance. The Sooner State's 1910 abortion ban remains among the strictest in the nation, even after its state supreme court struck down some parts of it, like the provision that required a medical emergency to justify an abortion. The law makes performing an abortion a felony punishable by up to five years in prison, unless the procedure is necessary to preserve the mother's life.
2023 Life, Health & Inclusion Score: 75 out of 350 points (Top States Grade: F) Strength: Air Quality Weaknesses: Reproductive Rights, Health, Voting Rights https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/14/these-are-americas-10-worst-states-to-live-and-work-in.html Texas is #1, fwiw... Economic Profile Governor: Kevin Stitt, Republican Population: 4,019,800 GDP growth (Q1 2023): 2.50% Unemployment rate (May 2023): 2.80% Top corporate tax rate: 4.0% Top individual income tax rate: 4.75% Gasoline tax: 38.40 cents/gallon Bond rating (Moody's/S&P): Aa2, Stable/AA, Stable Economic profile sources: U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Federation of Tax Administrators, American Petroleum Institute (including 18.40 cent/gallon federal tax), Moody's Investor Service, S&P Global Market Intelligence Oklahoma Score and Ranking CATEGORY 2023 SCORE 2023 RANK 2022 RANK 2023 GRADE WORKFORCE 193 36 35 D+ INFRASTRUCTURE 214 20 26 B- ECONOMY 172 30 34 C- LIFE, HEALTH & INCLUSION 75 49 48 F COST OF DOING BUSINESS 220 3 2 A+ TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION 110 38 30 D BUSINESS FRIENDLINESS 101 21 14 C+ EDUCATION 39 48 47 D- ACCESS TO CAPITAL 26 25 22 C COST OF LIVING 44 5 14 A+ OVERALL 1194 41 38 |