Title: Christmas in July Post by: joiei on July 26, 2017, 02:11:44 pm Help us celebrate Christmas in July by shopping at the new flea market. I have a lot and i mean a lot of christmas ornaments that i need to let someone else be the proud owner of. Some of the stuff is still in the original boxes. We are talking Radko and others. Bring cash, I do not take cards or checks. Price range, 50cents, $1, $2, $5. and up. It will happen on Sunday the 30th. It will happen at Christopher Place, on Sheridan just south of 41st. Where Shawkats is.
Title: Re: Christmas in July Post by: heironymouspasparagus on July 26, 2017, 03:36:48 pm Help us celebrate Christmas in July by shopping at the new flea market. I have a lot and i mean a lot of christmas ornaments that i need to let someone else be the proud owner of. Some of the stuff is still in the original boxes. We are talking Radko and others. Bring cash, I do not take cards or checks. Price range, 50cents, $1, $2, $5. and up. It will happen on Sunday the 30th. It will happen at Christopher Place, on Sheridan just south of 41st. Where Shawkats is. Got Shiny Brites?? Open air, or in building?? We only have about 125 medium size boxes of Christmas decorations, so am sure SWMBO would love to come see and get more! Title: Re: Christmas in July Post by: joiei on July 27, 2017, 09:15:00 am It will be on the sidewalk under the overhangs. I might have some Shiny brites. Haven't been through everything yet.