The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Not At My Table - Political Discussions => Local & State Politics => Topic started by: TURobY on June 29, 2009, 10:30:39 pm

Title: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: TURobY on June 29, 2009, 10:30:39 pm
Sally Kern is back in national news for her "Oklahoma Citizen's Proclamation For Morality", which can be found at ( and reads as follows:

We the People of Oklahoma, Invoking the guidance of Almighty God, in order to secure and perpetuate the blessing of Liberty; to secure just and rightful Government; to promote our mutual Welfare and Happiness, do establish this proclamation and call upon the people of the great State of Oklahoma, and our fellow Patriots in these United States of America who look to the Lord for guidance, to acknowledge the need for a national awakening of righteousness in our land.

WHEREAS, “It is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand” (John Adams); and

WHEREAS, “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by Religion and Morality” (John Adams); and

WHEREAS, “Our Constitution was made only for a Moral and Religious people” (John Adams); and

WHEREAS, “We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government…but upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God” (James Madison); and

WHEREAS, “Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God (Benjamin Franklin); and

WHEREAS, “God who gave us life gave us liberty and can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God” (Thomas Jefferson); and

WHEREAS, “Whether any free government can be permanent, where the public worship of God, and the support of Religion, constitute no part of the policy or duty of the state” (Joseph Story); and

WHEREAS, “We hold sacred the rights of conscience, and promise to the people…the free and undisturbed exercise of their religion” (Roger Sherman); and

WHEREAS, “This great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians” (Patrick Henry); and

WHEREAS, “When you…exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed upon your mind that God commands you to choose just men who will rule in the fear of God” (Noah Webster); and

WHEREAS, “The principles of genuine Liberty and of wise laws and administrations are to be drawn from the Bible” (Noah Webster); and

WHEREAS, the people of Oklahoma have a strong tradition of reliance upon the Creator of the Universe; and

WHEREAS, we believe our economic woes are consequences of our greater national moral crisis; and

WHEREAS, this nation has become a world leader in promoting abortion, pornography, same sex marriage, sex trafficking, divorce, illegitimate births, child abuse, and many other forms of debauchery; and

WHEREAS, alarmed that the Government of the United States of America is forsaking the rich Christian heritage upon which this nation was built; and

WHEREAS, grieved that the Office of the president of these United States has refused to uphold the long held tradition of past presidents in giving recognition to our National Day of Prayer; and

WHEREAS, deeply disturbed that the Office of the president of these United States disregards the biblical admonitions to live clean and pure lives by proclaiming an entire month to an immoral behavior;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we the undersigned elected officials of the people of Oklahoma, religious leaders and citizens of the State of Oklahoma, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world, solemnly declare that the HOPE of the great State of Oklahoma and of these United States, rests upon the Principles of Religion and Morality as put forth in the HOLY BIBLE; and

BE IT RESOLVED that we, the undersigned, believers in the One True God and His only Son, call upon all to join with us in recognizing that “Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord,” and humbly implore all who love Truth and Virtue to live above reproach in the sight of God and man with a firm reliance on the leadership and protection of Almighty God; and

BE IT RESOLVED that we, the undersigned, humbly call upon Holy God, our Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer, to have mercy on this nation, to stay His hand of judgment, and grant a national awakening of righteousness and Christian renewal as we repent of our great sin.

Signed on the second day of July in the year of our Lord Christ Two Thousand and Nine.

This is supposed to be signed next week at the state capitol, but what does that actually mean? Is she attempting to make this the state's "official position"? And why is she spending time to pen this proclamation when there are larger issues at hand...?

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Conan71 on June 29, 2009, 10:47:31 pm
Hmm. I'm thinking they are asking for a stay on the rapture maybe. Some sort of pact to keep God from acting out on us.  He's really pissed off, you know.  Just ask Sally.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Cats Cats Cats on June 29, 2009, 11:03:50 pm
Ahh yes...  
Cherry pick some quotes.   Suprised she threw Jefferson in there.  I enjoy the national day of prayer bit thrown in.  I am glad that the founding fathers decided that was needed.  I also didn't know that there was a big event every year at the White House.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: waterboy on June 30, 2009, 06:24:29 am
She's challenging Inhofe for most embarrassing Okie status. Dang close too.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: RecycleMichael on June 30, 2009, 07:27:01 am
This is my favorite line, "WHEREAS, this nation has become a world leader in promoting abortion, pornography, same sex marriage, sex trafficking, divorce, illegitimate births, child abuse, and many other forms of debauchery; and"...

A world leader in debauchery? Wow.

Sounds like those high draft picks are beginning to pay off.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: cannon_fodder on June 30, 2009, 07:27:57 am
<--- Not Christian.

Seems that proclamation does all it can to leave me out.  I do not believe the BIBLE to be HOLY.  I do not believe one should have to fear their God(s).  I do not believe morality is inextricably tied to religion.  I do not believe God commands politicians to do anything.  I do not  believe it is a great travesty to "disregard[] the biblical admonitions to live clean and pure lives."  Furthermore, I do not believe that the hope for Oklahoma lies with more of her ilk.  

Frankly, I'm confident that if she had her way she would destroy Oklahoma in the eye of the nation, most of the world, and for over 50% of Oklahomans.  Not too mention economically and from a perspective of liberty.  She's perfectly free to have whatever opinion she likes and I'm glad she makes it so clear.   But if adopted as the official position of the State of Oklahoma there is a very serious issue.

I thought I was doing OK for the State by moving 2 married college graduates here to hold professional jobs.  Having a son who is well taken care of.  Never getting in trouble with the law (not even a speeding ticket).  Contribute much money to the local economy, to the arts, and to education.  I'm not even gay, I don't have or help abortions . . . shouldn't I be on her good person list?  Wait, not Christian = Not Welcome to Sally Kerns Oklahoma.  How very Christian of her.

Nonetheless, the list of "religious" founding fathers she compiles is hilarious.  Particularly Thomas Jefferson (he has "AUTHOR OF THE STATUTE OF VIRGINIA FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM" [all caps original] on his tombstone) and Ben Franklin (not a Christian).  

I'm particularly interested to learn that the economic meltdown is because Jesus is mad at us.  This should set things straight again.

BE IT RESOLVED that we, the undersigned, believers in the One True God and His only Son, call upon all to join with us in recognizing that “Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord,” and humbly implore all who love Truth and Virtue to live above reproach in the sight of God and man with a firm reliance on the leadership and protection of Almighty God; and

BE IT RESOLVED that we, the undersigned, humbly call upon Holy God, our Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer, to have mercy on this nation, to stay His hand of judgment, and grant a national awakening of righteousness and Christian renewal as we repent of our great sin.

Signed on the second day of July in the year of our Lord Christ Two Thousand and Nine.

Is this a governmental proclamation or an ecumenical creed?

"I think it's very unfortunate, frankly, I haven't seen scapegoating like this since pre-World War II Germany", said C.S. Thornton, the Deputy Director of the ACLU Chapter of Oklahoma.

"This resolution is an affront to those who believe in America's constitutional democracy and to people of all faiths who follow the universal teaching to love their neighbors as themselves. In one long diatribe, Rep. Kern manages to demean both the American founding fathers she quotes and the faith she is asking the state of Oklahoma to endorse." - The Human Rights Campaign

She really accomplishes something when she has me wholeheartedly agreeing with the ACLU and the Human Rights Campaign.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: TURobY on June 30, 2009, 08:05:21 am
I emailed my representative and asked her to condemn Ms. Kern's proclamation. I would encourage you to do the same.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on June 30, 2009, 08:24:31 am
You all need to get your hate on this morning, so allow me to assist: what is wrong with the proc? These kinds of things are done all the time for all kinds of reasons. I find little I disagree with her on, I just wish she and her ilk would support the US HB which calls for 'auditing' the Federal Reserve.  Toothless, pointless proclamations are part of the distraction that have allowed our government to morph into something unrecognizable to our Founders, while the 'audit' bill is something that calls for action.

So, sure, waste your time on this distraction and get your seckler huemanista hackles all up with emails and calls on this issue.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: TURobY on June 30, 2009, 08:34:54 am
You all need to get your hate on this morning, so allow me to assist: what is wrong with the proc? These kinds of things are done all the time for all kinds of reasons. I find little I disagree with her on, I just wish she and her ilk would support the US HB which calls for 'auditing' the Federal Reserve.  Toothless, pointless proclamations are part of the distraction that have allowed our government to morph into something unrecognizable to our Founders, while the 'audit' bill is something that calls for action.

So, you are in agreement that Sally Kern isn't doing her job and is instead wasting taxpayer money for her salary? She is using our dollars writing this proclamation instead of improving Oklahoma's infrastructure, education, and so forth.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: PepePeru on June 30, 2009, 08:35:59 am
WHEREAS the Supreme Leader and Wise Council of the Saliban hath spoketh.

WHEREAS The Mouthpiece of the Lamb hath bleated her proclamation so thou shall knoweth that she is Almighty, Wise and Benevolent.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: cannon_fodder on June 30, 2009, 08:36:42 am
I find little I disagree with her on . . .

Personally, I don't think Jesus caused the recession and I don't think we should expose homosexuals and attack them.  I'll start there with items of disagreement.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on June 30, 2009, 08:46:24 am
So, you are in agreement that Sally Kern isn't doing her job and is instead wasting taxpayer money for her salary? She is using our dollars writing this proclamation instead of improving Oklahoma's infrastructure, education, and so forth.

Sure. These stupid proclamations are a waste, and I can see why some would take offense at the content, as well.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: cannon_fodder on June 30, 2009, 08:56:54 am
Funniest comment I've seen on this topic:

"You know who else blamed an economic recession on a minority group?"

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Cats Cats Cats on June 30, 2009, 09:20:34 am
Funniest comment I've seen on this topic:

"You know who else blamed an economic recession on a minority group?"

I almost posted that on here.  However, everybody pulls out the "Hitler" card it is a little unjustified.  But, they are correct.  There was somebody else who blamed an economic recession on a minority group...

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Cats Cats Cats on June 30, 2009, 09:22:47 am
"proclaiming an entire month to an immoral behavior;"

What month is she referring to? (  If this is what she is talking about... I take back my previous statement.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on June 30, 2009, 09:56:32 am
Personally, I don't think Jesus caused the recession and I don't think we should expose homosexuals and attack them.  I'll start there with items of disagreement.

She did not blame the Messiah for the recession, she blamed us for our lax morality.  Does morality only exist within a religious context? No? Yes?

I agree that singling out 'gay' marriage instead of no-fault divorce as a symptom and cause of our decline is a valid criticism.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: PonderInc on June 30, 2009, 10:03:30 am
Ooooh!  An entire month dedicated to an immoral behavior!  Sounds fun!  Which one, which one??!!  

Sex, dancing, or jazz music?

I like all three!

Or... is this the month when Oklahoma celebrates its own immorality?  When we celebrate our status as a leader of child abuse, domestic violence, teen pregnancy, female incarceration rates, uninsured citizens, teen dropouts, and bottom of the pay scale for teachers?  

Sally should start here.  (And she needs to focus her rage on the republicans in the legislature--like herself--who would rather stir up a bunch of religious mumbo jumbo than actually address any of these real problems.)

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Cats Cats Cats on June 30, 2009, 10:07:56 am
She did not blame the Messiah for the recession, she blamed us for our lax morality.  Does morality only exist within a religious context? No? Yes?

I agree that singling out 'gay' marriage instead of no-fault divorce as a symptom and cause of our decline is a valid criticism.

Her morality only exists within HER religious context.  

We should tell the drug cartels they will have less economic woes if they started a food bank instead of selling drugs.  Being that morality and economic success are so closely tied.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Cats Cats Cats on June 30, 2009, 10:12:01 am
Ooooh!  An entire month dedicated to an immoral behavior!  Sounds fun!  Which one, which one??!!  

Sex, dancing, or jazz music?

I like all three!

Or... is this the month when Oklahoma celebrates its own immorality?  When we celebrate our status as a leader of child abuse, domestic violence, teen pregnancy, female incarceration rates, uninsured citizens, teen dropouts, and bottom of the pay scale for teachers?  

Sally should start here.  (And she needs to focus her rage on the republicans in the legislature--like herself--who would rather stir up a bunch of religious mumbo jumbo than actually address any of these real problems.)

To her she is starting there.  As soon as you get rid of all non-Christians and gay Christians the economy will be fixed.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on June 30, 2009, 10:12:41 am
Her morality only exists within HER religious context.  

We should tell the drug cartels they will have less economic woes if they started a food bank instead of selling drugs.  Being that morality and economic success are so closely tied.

Well sure but that is not what CF said she said.  More distortion and willful blasphemy.

So morality is defined strictly by the laws of the State?

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Cats Cats Cats on June 30, 2009, 10:26:23 am
Well sure but that is not what CF said she said.  More distortion and willful blasphemy.

So morality is defined strictly by the laws of the State?

She is blaming morality on economic woes.  On an individual basis morality has no bearing on earnings.  So there would have to be an outside force to "make it right" so to speak.

And as far as morality being defined strictly by the laws of the State.  The answer is no, but that is Sally Kern's whole goal.   To have the state laws define morality.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Conan71 on June 30, 2009, 10:30:36 am
Ooooh!  An entire month dedicated to an immoral behavior!  Sounds fun!  Which one, which one??!!  

Sex, dancing, or jazz music?

I like all three!

Post of the week.  ;D

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: cannon_fodder on June 30, 2009, 10:37:19 am
She did not blame the Messiah for the recession, she blamed us for our lax morality.  Does morality only exist within a religious context? No? Yes?

When you blame an economic recession on morality and then the rest of your documents makes sure everyone knows that Christianity and is the only right morality . . . you are saying that the economic recession is a result of people not following Christ enough.

WHEREAS, we believe our economic woes are consequences of our greater national moral crisis; and

WHEREAS, this nation has become a world leader in promoting abortion, pornography, same sex marriage, sex trafficking, divorce, illegitimate births, child abuse, and many other forms of debauchery; and

WHEREAS, alarmed that the Government of the United States of America is forsaking the rich Christian heritage upon which this nation was built; and

. . .

BE IT RESOLVED that we, the undersigned, humbly call upon Holy God, our Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer, to have mercy on this nation, to stay His hand of judgment, and grant a national awakening of righteousness and Christian renewal as we repent of our great sin.

The economic woes are a consequence of our lack of morals.
The United States morals are Christian Morals.
The economic crisis is because we lack Christian morals.

Ergo:  Jesus is punishing us for not liking him enough by destroying our economy.  Thanks Jesus!

And no.  As I stated before morality does not only exist within a religious context.   But that document is as religious as it could possibly be.  If the Lords Prayer referenced morality, I would assume it meant religiosity.  So I shall assume when Ms. Kern references morality in her "Oklahoma Citizen's Proclamation For Morality".  If she had it her way it would be the new law of the land and we could finally expel the non-believers.

Your argument is that the document isn't inherently religious and she is referencing morality outside the context of her Christian faith?  She then asks the Christian god to hold back his hand from further smiting us for our wickedness . . . but that and the other ~40 or so references to Christian doctrine surely don't reflect on the one sentence you wish to exclude.

Sorry, the woman thinks the economic crisis is caused by not enough people hating gays.  She's farkin' crazy.  The only press Oklahoma gets in the last few years is religious zealots and towns tainted with lead.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: guido911 on June 30, 2009, 10:50:25 am
The only press Oklahoma gets in the last few years is religious zealots and towns tainted with lead.

Yeah, those OU National Championship game and Bradford's Heisman trophy and David Cook "American Idol" things went ignored by the media...

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Conan71 on June 30, 2009, 10:50:56 am
Now watch, she will get caught up in some lesbian love-triangle.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Townsend on June 30, 2009, 10:57:17 am
Now watch, she will get caught up in some lesbian love-triangle.

With whom?  We can start the rumors here.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Conan71 on June 30, 2009, 11:02:34 am

With whom?  We can start the rumors here.


Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Townsend on June 30, 2009, 11:03:13 am

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: swake on June 30, 2009, 11:06:18 am
Now watch, she will get caught up in some lesbian love-triangle.

no no, you have it all wrong. She WAS a gay man, now she's a post-op transexual straight woman, just the way God intended. (please don't tell her husband)

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: patric on June 30, 2009, 11:31:57 am
The only press Oklahoma gets in the last few years is religious zealots and towns tainted with lead.

And our rowdy cops....

" Two Oklahoma City police officers are under investigation after witnesses said one of the officers fired a shot from a vehicle outside a strip club.

Witnesses said an argument inside the club ended with two officers who were not on duty getting into their vehicle, and one of the officers holding a pistol outside the window and firing it into the ground. "

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: guido911 on June 30, 2009, 12:14:18 pm
Could this be more appalling:


Nah, they're democrats. I mean really, it's not like these tantrum-throwers actually fled New York to Armore to hide out because that would be childish.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: TURobY on June 30, 2009, 12:23:11 pm
That's great Guido, but what does it have to do with the topic of discussion?

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Townsend on June 30, 2009, 12:36:22 pm
That's great Guido, but what does it have to do with the topic of discussion?

The pledge they recited had the term "under God" in it

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: patric on June 30, 2009, 02:13:19 pm

The other third of the triangle.  Extremists gotta stick together.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Ed W on June 30, 2009, 03:00:45 pm

Jesus and His homies just went by in a '63 BelAir.  They yelled something about Sally, but my Spanish she's not so good.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: FOTD on July 01, 2009, 06:57:11 am
The traditional cure has been to sacrifice some goats in the city square to appease the Gods. If that doesn't work, try people. You want immoral behavior? How about starting wars of aggression by lying to US? Cashing in the no-bid contracts on death and destruction? That is OK, right? READ THE NUMEROUS PAGES OF COMMENTS ON THIS STORY. SHAMEFUL !!!! WHAT A REFLECTION ON OUR VERY OWN IDIOCY!

Who and what in their right mind would want to create new jobs by moving their business to this backwards State?
Is it no wonder our educated children move far far away?

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: waterboy on July 01, 2009, 07:24:58 am
What good does it do to rail against these morons? Watch carefully to see which of our "enlightened" representatives vote in favor of this procalamation. More importantly watch to see who complains of our tax dollars wasted on such nonsense and you'll see cowardice. Its demoralizing when the moralists dominate your state.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: SXSW on July 01, 2009, 01:24:42 pm
Who and what in their right mind would want to create new jobs by moving their business to this backwards State?
Is it no wonder our educated children move far far away?

That is the thing I hate about people like Sally Kern and Jim Inhofe.  While most people in the state don't care about these issues, or are against them, the fact that they are saying such radical things makes the news and then it makes the state look bad.  The truth is to combat these conservative religious wackos the best thing to do is ignore them by keeping their cr*p out of the media and by educated people staying in Oklahoma to counter these idiots.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Conan71 on July 01, 2009, 01:55:48 pm
Since when has Inhofe been a religious zealot, SXSW???  Be a lot easier to package Sen. Coburn with Ms. Kern.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: kylieosu on July 01, 2009, 02:55:33 pm
The truth is to combat these conservative religious wackos the best thing to do is ignore them by keeping their cr*p out of the media and by educated people staying in Oklahoma to counter these idiots.

Man, do I WISH their crap could stay out of the media. It's beyond embarrassing.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 07:12:00 am
So you all think that these idiots, whackos, and/or morons comprise what percentage of Sooners?  The majority?  If my experience with this forum is any indication of the Sooner sentiment, I would not be surprised to find most people I meet to be narrow-minded, bigoted, hateful, petty, back-stabbing, lying pieces of poop.  But I have not.  I have found Okies to be friendly, opinionated, straightforward, decent and nice people.  Must be hellish to live in a state of mind where one thinks that one is surrounded by some kind of cult.

And again, O'bama calls the US 'one of the larger Muslim countries' and ya'll bend over backwards trying to rephrase and reframe the statement.  Here some modern day Abolitionist type offers a feckless resolution about sliding morals and the dear and precious name Jesus is used as a mockery and joke.  I get the sentiment that offering this resolution is a mockery of its own, but I wonder if any of you anti-Christians, anti-religious zealots to defile the name Mohammet (PBUH).



Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: waterboy on July 02, 2009, 08:10:20 am
Must be hellish to live in a state of mind where one thinks that one is surrounded by some kind of cult.

Indeed. Are you speaking of your state of mind?

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Cats Cats Cats on July 02, 2009, 08:15:50 am
Whoever is having impure thoughts.  Please stop...  My stocks are going down.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 08:17:07 am
What good does it do to rail against these morons? Watch carefully to see which of our "enlightened" representatives vote in favor of this procalamation. More importantly watch to see who complains of our tax dollars wasted on such nonsense and you'll see cowardice. Its demoralizing when the moralists dominate your state.

I was referring to you and your sentiment which seems to dominate these 'threads.'  See, you said that Kern and people who believe in Christian morality - the 'moralists' - 'dominate' Sooner thought. Must be weird driving around, shopping, going to meetings, thinking that the majority of the people you see and interact with are morons, idiots, whatever hateful things you all can call them.  I feel great in this town and this State! Sorry you all are so miserable.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Conan71 on July 02, 2009, 08:25:58 am
If churches want to circulate such an initiative to bring morals back to America, I think that's great.  That is where it belongs.  What chaps me on this is a state representative using her elected position to try and cram a moral code down people's throats.

I will agree with Kern on a couple of things: America does have a deep religious heritage, of which the majority practice one form or other of the Christian faith.  I also do agree there's been a gradual erosion of appreciation for that heritage and a general erosion of what is considered morally acceptible in the mind of the average person. 

However, I don't think it appropriate that she try and make her proclamation seem more legitimate by using her job title to pass off her moral code.  I've also got to say she's got some really moonbat notions about homosexuality and locusts or the economy.   ::)

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: PepePeru on July 02, 2009, 08:34:04 am
I was referring to you and your sentiment which seems to dominate these 'threads.'  See, you said that Kern and people who believe in Christian morality - the 'moralists' - 'dominate' Sooner thought. Must be weird driving around, shopping, going to meetings, thinking that the majority of the people you see and interact with are morons, idiots, whatever hateful things you all can call them.  I feel great in this town and this State! Sorry you all are so miserable.

good job, you're a cliche.
now, see if you can figure out which one.

i doubt you can.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Townsend on July 02, 2009, 08:35:49 am
So you all think that these idiots, whackos, and/or morons comprise what percentage of Sooners?  The majority?  If my experience with this forum is any indication of the Sooner sentiment, I would not be surprised to find most people I meet to be narrow-minded, bigoted, hateful, petty, back-stabbing, lying pieces of poop.  But I have not.  I have found Okies to be friendly, opinionated, straightforward, decent and nice people.  Must be hellish to live in a state of mind where one thinks that one is surrounded by some kind of cult.

And again, O'bama calls the US 'one of the larger Muslim countries' and ya'll bend over backwards trying to rephrase and reframe the statement.  Here some modern day Abolitionist type offers a feckless resolution about sliding morals and the dear and precious name Jesus is used as a mockery and joke.  I get the sentiment that offering this resolution is a mockery of its own, but I wonder if any of you anti-Christians, anti-religious zealots to defile the name Mohammet (PBUH).

You realize the people you're attacking all agree that your online persona is batcrap crazy. 

Maybe try a more friendly way of communicating and you won't be shut down so hard when you try to bring up a point.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 08:38:44 am
good job, you're a cliche.
now, see if you can figure out which one.

i doubt you can.

Do you think the majority of Okies are idiots, morons, et al for hewing to a fundamentalist Christian sentiment?

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 08:40:24 am

You realize the people you're attacking all agree that your online persona is batcrap crazy. 

Maybe try a more friendly way of communicating and you won't be shut down so hard when you try to bring up a point.

I am not the one name-calling, harassing, or casting broad-brush assertions that the majority of people in my adopted state are religious bigots.  Sorry for defending the honor or my fellow citizens.  How have I attacked anyone here?

You are the individual who thinks that hate-speech against people with disabilities is fair game and funny.  So who is the narrow-minded bigot?

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Townsend on July 02, 2009, 08:41:34 am
Do you think the majority of Okies are idiots, morons, et al for hewing to a fundamentalist Christian sentiment?

Just misled

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: cannon_fodder on July 02, 2009, 08:42:38 am
[Warning: novel.  May as well get it all in one post and walk away.  ;D]

lol, that's awesome.  We're narrow minded and bigoted because I don't think the State of Oklahoma should promote a single religious agenda.  For the record, I do not think most Christians or most religious people of any order are idiots, morons, unintelligent or whatever attributes you assigned.  I merely disagree with their supernatural beliefs.  And I only speak out on the subject when an attempt is either made to engage in the discussion by others or to force said beliefs upon others (myself included).  Particularly when government is used as the vessel for said attempt.

But yes, I believe people that think the economic crisis is the wraith of God as punishment for our debauchery are misguided.  My guess (and hope) is most people in Oklahoma would think such a view is also a bit outside the norm.  True, in the bronze ages and through the middle ages all bad events were attributed to the wraith of the Gods, but I like to think we've moved past that.

But you do have a point.  There are many people in Oklahoma who do not believe in dinosaurs and would have joined in every religious crusade throughout time:  from trying to kick Ben Franklin out of the Anglican church for arguing that lightening is not punishment from God to imprisoning Galileo for daring to argue against God that the Earth is not the center of the Universe (banning forks as decadent, arguing germs don't exist because it defies Gods wraith, and on and on and on).   I still don't think that's a majority, but the vocal minority is enough to have Oklahoma mocked fairly often.  Which is nice.    But I don't fault them for their beliefs, until they attempt to have their religious beliefs dictate or represent me.  At which point they have made it my concern.

And yes, I am against religious zealots to the extent that I feel religious zealotry can hinder reason, freedom and decency.  Is that all religions?  Nope.  Is that any religion all the time?  Nope.  I'm anti-republican, anti-democrat, anti-environmentalist, anti-logging . . . at some point I'll find something to disagree with on anything.  Fundamentalist religions are the only area where it is considered a virtue to declare that you are right above all else while the rest of the world has it entirely wrong.  Not because of a logical conclusion or factual representation, but because of a belief.  Glorifying willful ignorance and the absents of discussion or logic.  

There is no room for discussion, logic, or waiver.  Well, until the great weight of society is too much and you then change the opinion to stave off the loss of followers and again declare that now you are 100% correct.  Thus, the perception that religion is under attack.  When you have to be right about everything and have a stated goal of convincing other people you are right while shaping laws, policy, history, education and everything else you can in such a way as to reflect the fact that you are right . . . you will necessarily be in conflict with others.  Most things are open to logical discussions and disagreements, where they are not conflict predictably ensues.

A discussion of my beliefs is not a personal attack upon me.  Nor should my questioning of your doctrines be construed as such.  It is rude to question religious doctrines, but it is OK to have the State proclaim religious doctrines.  I really don't get it.  

modern day Abolitionist
You are comparing Ms. Kern's quest to "expose and attack" homosexuals with person who were attempting to end human slavery?  Wow. Really?  You realize all the arguments in favor of slavery were biblical, mostly advocated by Baptists . . . which is the primary flavor of Christianity Ms. Kern is pushing.  Or is her great and noble quest her attempt to convince everyone that her brand of thinking is correct?  Which also doesn't seem on par with stopping slavery.

Also, as a literalist, Ms. Kern is obliged to accept slavery as it was in the bible.  That only changed when society dictated it no longer popular (/lost the war).  The old testament encourages the torching of cities and the taking of slaves and Jesus himself never speaks out against slavery while consistently upholding the institution (Matthew 8:5-13, Luke 12:47 [beating slaves is ok too], Matthew 10:24-25).  In espousing the Gospel to the masses Paul continues the New Testament endorsement of Slavery Ephesians 6:5, 1st Timothy 6:1 and again in Titus 2:9-10.  Peter tells slaves to obey their masters no matter how cruel. 1 Peter 2:18.   The saving grace of the Bible on slavery is a passage that tells slave owners they should be kind to their slaves . . . which is a little bit short of abolitionist.

Ahh yes.  Hopefully Sally can continue the great fundamentalist Christian tradition of abolitionism.  But this time by freeing the gays from themselves.

Feckless resolution

A statement or proclamation that is generally incompetent and ineffectual. With this I agree 100%.  I'm surprised you also view this resolution as incompetent.

Cult:  formal religious veneration, followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices,  a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgato, great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work.  

By most definitions of the word, we ARE surrounded by a cult.  Thus, my state of mind could be excused.  Pretending of course that you know my state of mind and accurately reflected it.  Cult took on a negative connotation as established religions belittled new religions, but by definition the term is not inherently negative.

And, yes.  I have and will continue to mock the name Mohamed as appropriate.  When someone blows themselves and a bus load of civilians up "for God" and to get to get 40 virgins.  When someone uses a religions founded by a man who got rich by marrying his former boss, a successful businesswomen, to subjugate women.  When a man hiding in a cave uses the name and puffs out his chest in making threats (while still hiding), I will make fun of it.  But here, it is mostly people evoking the name of Jesus while making statements.  Hence, that name draws my attention when faith healers encourage people to skip chemotherapy, when televangelists try to beg one more Rolls Royce or home renovation from retired widows, when ignorance is pushed as an educational agenda, or Ms. Kern tries to have Oklahoma proclaim that HER religious views are correct and everyone else is wrong.

But I agree wholly, it is remarkably intolerant and insecure of Mulsims to refuse to accept criticism of their religious beliefs.

And finally, the Battle Hymn is posted.  Great song.  But I fail to see the relevance.  It is sung by the Mormons, a group that Ms. Kern presumably has going to hell as heretics on her list.  The song itself was adopted by the Union army because the most popular song of the day, Dixie (Lincolns favorite song), was already adopted by the Confederacy.   So like "In God we Trust" (put on there after the civil war so future generations wouldn't think they were godless) or "One nation under God" (put there so differentiate ourselves from the Godless communists in the 1950's) . . . the reasoning behind the Battle Hymn itself is somewhat dubious.

I hope my frank, opinionated, straightforward and decent discussion wasn't too narrow-minded, bigoted, hateful, petty or backstabbing. I am anti-religious.  But I don't attempt to force my views on other people.  When the inverse is not true I will speak my mind.   A proclamation of the "citizens of Oklahoma" is just such a case.  

Do you suppose Ms. Kern or yourself would sit back and accept a proclamation from the State that their religious views are unimportant and wrong?  I doubt it.  Actually, no way.  If a proclamation was espoused that acclaimed any other deity or other than a Baptist Christian doctrine of religion it would be laughed out of capital.  The religious content of the bill is what is important, which is why I think it is inappropriate.  

I would oppose such a proclamation from Christians, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics (fun statement that would be), Muslims, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists, Taoist, Wikkans, Sikhs,  Voodoo practitioners, Mormons, Scientologists, Native Americans or Pagans.  It isn't proper to generalize the beliefs of a population in a proclamation of the State.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Townsend on July 02, 2009, 08:43:06 am

You are the individual who thinks that hate-speech against people with disabilities is fair game and funny.  So who is the narrow-minded bigot?

I didn't realize you have disabilities.  I will give you a wide berth.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: FOTD on July 02, 2009, 08:43:24 am
Since when has Inhofe been a religious zealot, SXSW???  Be a lot easier to package Sen. Coburn with Ms. Kern.

It's Inhofe's desire to discredit science and several other faux pas that make us a national joke. And the masses keep reelecting them....this makes us look even more ridiculous. Jimmy is our state celebrity like it or not. Sally Kern is trying hard to be our cult of personality example.

H2O, This demon attained peace through the devil. Therefore, FOTD has the right to pass judgement on the "righteous".

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: waterboy on July 02, 2009, 08:43:43 am
I was referring to you and your sentiment which seems to dominate these 'threads.'  See, you said that Kern and people who believe in Christian morality - the 'moralists' - 'dominate' Sooner thought. Must be weird driving around, shopping, going to meetings, thinking that the majority of the people you see and interact with are morons, idiots, whatever hateful things you all can call them.  I feel great in this town and this State! Sorry you all are so miserable.

I don't dominate any threads unless they are about river development and then yes, I am irritatingly passionate. But I understand that my attitudinal frame of reference is determined by my experiences, which may not be shared by others. That is what separates me and us other miserables from you and the moralists. I know you exist and acknowledge your cult and respect our country's heritage. I would not use my government to issue proclamations designed to humiliate you for seeing river development in a different light. You see anyone outside your cult as needing such proclamations to get us back to your structure of thought.  Perhaps you think your moral values are superior to mine. You're as weird as Kern.

BTW, I didn't say what you allege. You inferred that from what I said. And as far as interacting with morons, idiots etc. in Oklahoma, well....I think the stats plastered in the media along with Kern's proclamations makes that case. Child abuse, poor test scores, addiction rates, obesity, cigarette consumption, domestic abuse, low income, meth production etc. etc. We're always near the top of those lists. Why doesn't she attack those problems? Is this her best effort to do so?

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: FOTD on July 02, 2009, 08:45:00 am
If churches want to circulate such an initiative to bring morals back to America, I think that's great.  That is where it belongs.  What chaps me on this is a state representative using her elected position to try and cram a moral code down people's throats.

I will agree with Kern on a couple of things: America does have a deep religious heritage, of which the majority practice one form or other of the JUDEO-Christian faith.  I also do agree there's been a gradual erosion of appreciation for that heritage and a general erosion of what is considered morally acceptible in the mind of the average person. 

However, I don't think it appropriate that she try and make her proclamation seem more legitimate by using her job title to pass off her moral code.  I've also got to say she's got some really moonbat notions about homosexuality and locusts or the economy.   ::)

Fixed that for you Cascia boy....

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 08:45:53 am
I didn't realize you have disabilities.  I will give you a wide berth.

When the cyber-bullying act in Congress passes, the words you have attacked with me with make you liable for prosecution.  Fair warning.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Conan71 on July 02, 2009, 08:47:15 am
It's Inhofe's desire to discredit science and several other faux pas that make us a national joke. And the masses keep reelecting them....this makes us look even more ridiculous. Jimmy is our state celebrity like it or not. Sally Kern is trying hard to be our cult of personality example.

H2O, This demon attained peace through the devil. Therefore, FOTD has the right to pass judgement on the "righteous".

So you are saying that government-sponsored hysteria over global warming is acceptible, right?

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: cannon_fodder on July 02, 2009, 08:47:33 am
When the cyber-bullying act in Congress passes, the words you have attacked with me with make you liable for prosecution.  Fair warning.

Did you just threaten to sue someone for being mean to you on the internet?

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Conan71 on July 02, 2009, 08:48:26 am
Fixed that for you Cascia boy....

Definitely didn't mean to leave out my Hebrew friends

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: PepePeru on July 02, 2009, 08:51:07 am
Do you think the majority of Okies are idiots, morons, et al for hewing to a fundamentalist Christian sentiment?

I'm going to ripoff Carlin here...
Think how dumb an average Okie is; then realize that half of them are dumber than that.

So, to answer your question...
If you're a fundie Okie, chances are, yes you're an idiot.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 08:51:27 am
I don't dominate any threads unless they are about river development and then yes, I am irritatingly passionate. But I understand that my attitudinal frame of reference is determined by my experiences, which may not be shared by others. That is what separates me and us other miserables from you and the moralists. I know you exist and acknowledge your cult and respect our country's heritage. I would not use my government to issue proclamations designed to humiliate you for seeing river development in a different light. You see anyone outside your cult as needing such proclamations to get us back to your structure of thought.  Perhaps you think your moral values are superior to mine. You're as weird as Kern.

BTW, I didn't say what you allege. You inferred that from what I said. And as far as interacting with morons, idiots etc. in Oklahoma, well....I think the stats plastered in the media along with Kern's proclamations makes that case. Child abuse, poor test scores, addiction rates, obesity, cigarette consumption, domestic abuse, low income, meth production etc. etc. We're always near the top of those lists. Why doesn't she attack those problems? Is this her best effort to do so?

You said that the 'cultists' you fear dominate this state.  Those people were called idiots, you called them morons, and everything else wicked and demeaning.  I just wanted to know how you can even deign to interact with them if they are such idiots, morons, et al?  The anti-Christians are the elitist, narrow-minded snobs that know more than most.  Must be frustrating when you go out thinking that the majority of people you see and interact with are morons.  That is all.  You certainly do not dominate any thread or issue, so please forgive the misunderstanding.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 08:52:19 am
I'm going to ripoff Carlin here...
Think how dumb an average Okie is; then realize that half of them are dumber than that.

So, to answer your question...
If you're a fundie Okie, chances are, yes you're an idiot.

Well let us be certain that we are all on the same page: the majority of Okies are fundamentalist idiots.  Right?

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: TheArtist on July 02, 2009, 08:52:26 am
Interesting,,, they just legalized gay sex in India and new projections show that their economy could grow by 7% this next year. Just saying  8)

  I think we should try to find a different way of talking about these types of situations here in Oklahoma. Painting all religious people, of any religion, as morons doesnt seem to be helpful or fair. Same if we were to do that with people who do not consider themselves adherents to any religion. There are all types of people on both sides.  There are so many different types of people who are Christians, for example, having a wide range of beliefs.  I consider myself to be a Christian, and when my "better angels" are ascendant,,,,, Its my belief that; people who argue against us or what we believe in are fundamentally trying to do what they believe or feel is right, that we are better served spending more time encouraging people to grow, and the main way we do so is by being with those people and doing and becoming better ourselves.  

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Townsend on July 02, 2009, 08:53:38 am
Did you just threaten to sue someone for being mean to you on the internet?

shhhh CF...disabled.  leave him be.

I'm impressed he was able to use a qwerty.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Cats Cats Cats on July 02, 2009, 08:53:46 am
Whoever is having impure thoughts.  Please stop...  My stocks are going down.

Seriously, everybody be more like Sally Kern and lets turn this -197 DOW drop to a +197 bouquet of righteousness!

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 08:55:27 am
[Warning: novel.  May as well get it all in one post and walk away.  ;D]

lol, that's awesome.  We're narrow minded and bigoted because I don't think the State of Oklahoma should promote a single religious agenda.  For the record, I do not think most Christians or most religious people of any order are idiots, morons, unintelligent or whatever attributes you assigned.  I merely disagree with their supernatural beliefs.  And I only speak out on the subject when an attempt is either made to engage in the discussion by others or to force said beliefs upon others (myself included).  Particularly when government is used as the vessel for said attempt.

But yes, I believe people that think the economic crisis is the wraith of God as punishment for our debauchery are misguided.  My guess (and hope) is most people in Oklahoma would think such a view is also a bit outside the norm.  True, in the bronze ages and through the middle ages all bad events were attributed to the wraith of the Gods, but I like to think we've moved past that.

But you do have a point.  There are many people in Oklahoma who do not believe in dinosaurs and would have joined in every religious crusade throughout time:  from trying to kick Ben Franklin out of the Anglican church for arguing that lightening is not punishment from God to imprisoning Galileo for daring to argue against God that the Earth is not the center of the Universe (banning forks as decadent, arguing germs don't exist because it defies Gods wraith, and on and on and on).   I still don't think that's a majority, but the vocal minority is enough to have Oklahoma mocked fairly often.  Which is nice.    But I don't fault them for their beliefs, until they attempt to have their religious beliefs dictate or represent me.  At which point they have made it my concern.

And yes, I am against religious zealots to the extent that I feel religious zealotry can hinder reason, freedom and decency.  Is that all religions?  Nope.  Is that any religion all the time?  Nope.  I'm anti-republican, anti-democrat, anti-environmentalist, anti-logging . . . at some point I'll find something to disagree with on anything.  Fundamentalist religions are the only area where it is considered a virtue to declare that you are right above all else while the rest of the world has it entirely wrong.  Not because of a logical conclusion or factual representation, but because of a belief.  Glorifying willful ignorance and the absents of discussion or logic.  

There is no room for discussion, logic, or waiver.  Well, until the great weight of society is too much and you then change the opinion to stave off the loss of followers and again declare that now you are 100% correct.  Thus, the perception that religion is under attack.  When you have to be right about everything and have a stated goal of convincing other people you are right while shaping laws, policy, history, education and everything else you can in such a way as to reflect the fact that you are right . . . you will necessarily be in conflict with others.  Most things are open to logical discussions and disagreements, where they are not conflict predictably ensues.

A discussion of my beliefs is not a personal attack upon me.  Nor should my questioning of your doctrines be construed as such.  It is rude to question religious doctrines, but it is OK to have the State proclaim religious doctrines.  I really don't get it.  
You are comparing Ms. Kern's quest to "expose and attack" homosexuals with person who were attempting to end human slavery?  Wow. Really?  You realize all the arguments in favor of slavery were biblical, mostly advocated by Baptists . . . which is the primary flavor of Christianity Ms. Kern is pushing.  Or is her great and noble quest her attempt to convince everyone that her brand of thinking is correct?  Which also doesn't seem on par with stopping slavery.

Also, as a literalist, Ms. Kern is obliged to accept slavery as it was in the bible.  That only changed when society dictated it no longer popular (/lost the war).  The old testament encourages the torching of cities and the taking of slaves and Jesus himself never speaks out against slavery while consistently upholding the institution (Matthew 8:5-13, Luke 12:47 [beating slaves is ok too], Matthew 10:24-25).  In espousing the Gospel to the masses Paul continues the New Testament endorsement of Slavery Ephesians 6:5, 1st Timothy 6:1 and again in Titus 2:9-10.  Peter tells slaves to obey their masters no matter how cruel. 1 Peter 2:18.   The saving grace of the Bible on slavery is a passage that tells slave owners they should be kind to their slaves . . . which is a little bit short of abolitionist.

Ahh yes.  Hopefully Sally can continue the great fundamentalist Christian tradition of abolitionism.  But this time by freeing the gays from themselves.
A statement or proclamation that is generally incompetent and ineffectual. With this I agree 100%.  I'm surprised you also view this resolution as incompetent.

Cult:  formal religious veneration, followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices,  a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgato, great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work.  

By most definitions of the word, we ARE surrounded by a cult.  Thus, my state of mind could be excused.  Pretending of course that you know my state of mind and accurately reflected it.  Cult took on a negative connotation as established religions belittled new religions, but by definition the term is not inherently negative.

And, yes.  I have and will continue to mock the name Mohamed as appropriate.  When someone blows themselves and a bus load of civilians up "for God" and to get to get 40 virgins.  When someone uses a religions founded by a man who got rich by marrying his former boss, a successful businesswomen, to subjugate women.  When a man hiding in a cave uses the name and puffs out his chest in making threats (while still hiding), I will make fun of it.  But here, it is mostly people evoking the name of Jesus while making statements.  Hence, that name draws my attention when faith healers encourage people to skip chemotherapy, when televangelists try to beg one more Rolls Royce or home renovation from retired widows, when ignorance is pushed as an educational agenda, or Ms. Kern tries to have Oklahoma proclaim that HER religious views are correct and everyone else is wrong.

But I agree wholly, it is remarkably intolerant and insecure of Mulsims to refuse to accept criticism of their religious beliefs.

And finally, the Battle Hymn is posted.  Great song.  But I fail to see the relevance.  It is sung by the Mormons, a group that Ms. Kern presumably has going to hell as heretics on her list.  The song itself was adopted by the Union army because the most popular song of the day, Dixie (Lincolns favorite song), was already adopted by the Confederacy.   So like "In God we Trust" (put on there after the civil war so future generations wouldn't think they were godless) or "One nation under God" (put there so differentiate ourselves from the Godless communists in the 1950's) . . . the reasoning behind the Battle Hymn itself is somewhat dubious.

I hope my frank, opinionated, straightforward and decent discussion wasn't too narrow-minded, bigoted, hateful, petty or backstabbing. I am anti-religious.  But I don't attempt to force my views on other people.  When the inverse is not true I will speak my mind.   A proclamation of the "citizens of Oklahoma" is just such a case.  

Do you suppose Ms. Kern or yourself would sit back and accept a proclamation from the State that their religious views are unimportant and wrong?  I doubt it.  Actually, no way.  If a proclamation was espoused that acclaimed any other deity or other than a Baptist Christian doctrine of religion it would be laughed out of capital.  The religious content of the bill is what is important, which is why I think it is inappropriate.  

I would oppose such a proclamation from Christians, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics (fun statement that would be), Muslims, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists, Taoist, Wikkans, Sikhs,  Voodoo practitioners, Mormons, Scientologists, Native Americans or Pagans.  It isn't proper to generalize the beliefs of a population in a proclamation of the State.

And when the majority of Okies are called idiots, morons, and everything else you choose not to defend these good, kind people.  Must be kind of lonely thinking that the majority of people you see are idiots and morons.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: swake on July 02, 2009, 08:58:27 am
When the cyber-bullying act in Congress passes, the words you have attacked with me with make you liable for prosecution.  Fair warning.

That's awesome, too bad you just killed a kitten


Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: FOTD on July 02, 2009, 08:59:12 am
So you are saying that government-sponsored hysteria over global warming is acceptible, right?


Read up, Coco Pops. While inconclusive, be there no doubt green house emissions are threatening your grandchildren. (Do you have any? that may explain your run in with science. Condom user!)
And then there are the Himalayas. They are called the third pole, but really, they are the first, right in the middle of the of the human population...containing the water we need to live..

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 09:00:05 am
shhhh CF...disabled.  leave him be.

I'm impressed he was able to use a qwerty.

I believe the majority of people in this state are good, decent, kind Christian folk.  Apparently I am all alone on this, and that the rest of you believe that your neighbors, co-workers, and customers are idiots and morons.

I could certainly pursue civil damages, but the cyber-bullying act will make discriminatory hate speech online a crime.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Townsend on July 02, 2009, 09:01:05 am
I believe the majority of people in this state are good, decent, kind Christian folk.  Apparently I am all alone on this, and that the rest of you believe that your neighbors, co-workers, and customers are idiots and morons.

I could certainly pursue civil damages, but the cyber-bullying act will make discriminatory hate speech online a crime.

Get this man a drool cloth.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 09:03:38 am
Get this man a drool cloth.

I would love to know who you are to expose the hateful bigotry you spew.  You hate the majority of your fellow citizens and are smarter and more erudite than what percent? 90% 75% Where do you place yourself on the perfect score?

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: waterboy on July 02, 2009, 09:03:48 am
What good does it do to rail against these morons? Watch carefully to see which of our "enlightened" representatives vote in favor of this procalamation. More importantly watch to see who complains of our tax dollars wasted on such nonsense and you'll see cowardice. Its demoralizing when the moralists dominate your state.

This must be the quote you refer to and are offended by. Where did I say anything about Christians? I would be just as bothered by Jews, Gypsies or Muslims if they had used our system and my tax dollars to ignore real problems and instead prosecute their morality wars. This is about a religious group using tax dollars to force others to recognize their superiority of moral values.

In that light, they are moronic and depressing to see in leadership positions. Yet somehow, I am just as happy as you are. Even though I am weekly proselytized by customers who don't even know me but feel compelled to share their fundamentalist views with me because they assume that I must be just like them. You know, a soldier in the war against secular humanism, other religions and other political views. Even that I find interesting.

So, most of your inferences are simply not accurate.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: FOTD on July 02, 2009, 09:05:36 am
I believe the majority of people in this state are good, decent, kind Christian folk.  Apparently I am all alone on this, and that the rest of you believe that your neighbors, co-workers, and customers are idiots and morons.

I could certainly pursue civil damages, but the cyber-bullying act will make discriminatory hate speech online a crime.

Well, yes. And FOTD has proof!

Mean People Suck! (as opposed to those kind Christian folk).....

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Townsend on July 02, 2009, 09:06:46 am
I would love to know who you are to expose the hateful bigotry you spew.  You hate the majority of your fellow citizens and are smarter and more erudite than what percent? 90% 75% Where do you place yourself on the perfect score?

Come to a forum gathering sometime.  We can discuss your misconceptions of people.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 09:09:11 am
This must be the quote you refer to and are offended by. Where did I say anything about Christians? I would be just as bothered by Jews, Gypsies or Muslims if they had used our system and my tax dollars to ignore real problems and instead prosecute their morality wars. This is about a religious group using tax dollars to force others to recognize their superiority of moral values.

In that light, they are moronic and depressing to see in leadership positions. Yet somehow, I am just as happy as you are. Even though I am weekly proselytized by customers who don't even know me but feel compelled to share their fundamentalist views with me because they assume that I must be just like them. You know, a soldier in the war against secular humanism, other religions and other political views. Even that I find interesting.

So, most of your inferences are simply not accurate.

So CF can say Jesus is going to destroy our economy through inference, and while we are still talking about that issue you say the moralists dominate the state.  But we are not talking about whom? CF went through gyrations to make his point that this is about Christians in Oklahoma, so it sounds like you have a problem with not only the wicked, moronic jihadists.  I let you all get as nasty as you wanted and as soon as I shine the light you all start backtracking, name-calling, even resorting to using filthy language to stifle debate.

I think that the sentiments expressed here are the distinct minority and am ashamed that you all are so willing to disparage and mock the majority of your fellow citizens.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 09:12:45 am
Come to a forum gathering sometime.  We can discuss your misconceptions of people.

I wonder if you would call me all those vicious names in person or if you are just a cyber-bully? Probably not.  You are the one who has called people wicked, vicious names for dissenting.  You are the one who will not defend the majority of your fellow citizens when they are called idiots and morons.

If you would apologize for using hate-speech we could just move on.  But you and yours are so invested in trying to puff yourselves up as all-wise and erudite that you cannot just admit it when you are wrong.  The majority of people in Oklahoma do not deserve to be called idiots, morons, and whatever because Ms. Kern is doing what city councils and legislatures do all the time.  I have already called her efforts a waste of time so what else do you want from me?

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: swake on July 02, 2009, 09:12:46 am
I think that the sentiments expressed here are the distinct minority and am ashamed that you all are so willing to disparage and mock the majority of your fellow citizens.

No, you are confused, the majority of citizens aren't being mocked here, just one in particular.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 09:15:47 am
No, you are confused, the majority of citizens aren't being mocked here, just one in particular.

H2O said moralists dominate the state and that they are morons.  Someone else used the word idiots.  Ergo the majority of Okies are - for being Christian fundamentalists - idiots and morons.  Swake go ahead and mock me then that is fine.  If this is the worse that happens for defending my Christian faith and my fellow citizens that is an honor.  Drop the f bomb again if you think that helps your case.  I feel sorry for you, actually.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: cannon_fodder on July 02, 2009, 09:17:27 am
And when the majority of Okies are called idiots, morons, and everything else you choose not to defend these good, kind people.  Must be kind of lonely thinking that the majority of people you see are idiots and morons.

You quoted 1400 words directly in response to your claims and on topic and THIS is what you respond with? Why the hell do I bother?

1) I did not see anyone call the majority of Okie idiots, morons or everything else. You reached this conclusion by deciding the most Oklahomans are fundamentalists and then assigning one posters insult to the group.  Now, if you want to get in a semantic argument over the accusation I'd engage just for fun but the merits of your point is weak.

2) I have no evidence that such people are good nor kind.  Those are fluff words thrown in to a description in an attempt to load a question.  In other words, in this context they are worthless .

3) Unrelated to the current discussion; my default position is that a given person is an idiot and/or moron.  It is safer to assume this position and explain things in detail and/or drive like the person is a dolt.  I will alter that belief when experience proves otherwise.

This is not limited to Okies, Christians, white people, or anyone in particular.  It is simply safer to assume people are stupid unless proven otherwise.  Frankly, I fear for your well being if you operate under the opposite assumption.  Or, I suppose, it could just be a matter of perspective.  I suppose if one were actually of a sub-average intelligence or the assumption that everyone was a wise and prudent individual would be a good bet.

Actually that's not true.  I think most people are intelligent individuals and my experience is most people are.  The problem is people refuse to or are to lazy to think.  Which is effectively the same as being an idiot.  So you take the people that actually are mentally slow and add in the people that are too lazy to think and you can see how I support my base hypothesis.  Assume people are idiots until proven otherwise.

4) I'm not lonely in the slightest.  But I appreciate your faux concern.

5) and in response to your "gyrations to prove" that she was referencing religion . . . those "gyrations" are also referred to as basic reading comprehension.  When an entire document is about one subject, a given line in the middle of that document is generally in reference to that subject.  You are free to explain to me how or why I misinterpreted the document.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: PepePeru on July 02, 2009, 09:20:26 am
I wonder if you would call me all those vicious names in person or if you are just a cyber-bully? Probably not.  You are the one who has called people wicked, vicious names for dissenting.  You are the one who will not defend the majority of your fellow citizens when they are called idiots and morons.

If you would apologize for using hate-speech we could just move on.  But you and yours are so invested in trying to puff yourselves up as all-wise and erudite that you cannot just admit it when you are wrong.  The majority of people in Oklahoma do not deserve to be called idiots, morons, and whatever because Ms. Kern is doing what city councils and legislatures do all the time.  I have already called her efforts a waste of time so what else do you want from me?

I actually want you to keep going with this.
You appear foolish in the eyes of others & I mock your value system.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: waterboy on July 02, 2009, 09:22:41 am
So CF can say Jesus is going to destroy our economy through inference, and while we are still talking about that issue you say the moralists dominate the state.  But we are not talking about whom? CF went through gyrations to make his point that this is about Christians in Oklahoma, so it sounds like you have a problem with not only the wicked, moronic jihadists.  I let you all get as nasty as you wanted and as soon as I shine the light you all start backtracking, name-calling, even resorting to using filthy language to stifle debate.

I think that the sentiments expressed here are the distinct minority and am ashamed that you all are so willing to disparage and mock the majority of your fellow citizens.

Now you're just being defensive. I cannot be responsible for incorrect inferences you draw.

As for my remarks, I reviewed them and am satisfied they summarize my beliefs.

As far as mocking Okies, "we is, what we is".

As far as majority/minority membership, you remind me of pot smokers who are sure that everyone tokes up because they never seem to meet anyone who isn't just as buzzed as they are. :D Sorry, FOTD, no inferences there.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Townsend on July 02, 2009, 09:25:06 am
I wonder if you would call me all those vicious names in person or if you are just a cyber-bully? Probably not.  You are the one who has called people wicked, vicious names for dissenting.  You are the one who will not defend the majority of your fellow citizens when they are called idiots and morons.

Just show up.

My posts are directed at you.  Try to read what you write before hitting "post" and ask yourself how any of it makes sense.

If it does make sense to you, I take it back.  I don't want to know you. 

If it's all a front, then we'd probably be fine.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: swake on July 02, 2009, 09:30:03 am
H2O said moralists dominate the state and that they are morons.  Someone else used the word idiots.  Ergo the majority of Okies are - for being Christian fundamentalists - idiots and morons.  Swake go ahead and mock me then that is fine.  If this is the worse that happens for defending my Christian faith and my fellow citizens that is an honor.  Drop the f bomb again if you think that helps your case.  I feel sorry for you, actually.

Aww, a pity party, and I forgot the hats.

First off, I don’t think that the majority of Oklahomans are really “Christian fundamentalists” when it gets down to it, most people do not believe in everything that is in the Old Testament. And yeah, if you have really read the Old Testament, and you believe every word happened just as it says in there, you are brainwashed, confused or stupid, probably a combo of all three. It’s a moral and religious guide, not a history book.

I think a lot of people that call themselves “Christian fundamentalists” don’t really understand the implications of the word fundamentalists and likely have never really read the Bible and when pressed don’t really believe that the Old Testament is an accurate historical document. The number of people that really believe that the world is only 6,000 years old, was created in six days, that Eve was from Adams rib, that all the evil in the world is because of an apple and discount nearly all of modern science from Physics to Biology to Geology is really pretty low.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 09:31:35 am
I actually want you to keep going with this.
You appear foolish in the eyes of others & I mock your value system.

Absent my objections at the use of derogatory terms used to describe the majority of good, kind, Christian folk there would have been none.  Same when filthy language that demeans women is used.  You all pride yourselves at how broad-minded you are,  but that is the front is it not?  You all are the close-minded, intolerant ones.  Not the majority of Okies who are being mocked here.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 09:32:53 am
Aww, a pity party, and I forgot the hats.

First off, I don’t think that the majority of Oklahomans are really “Christian fundamentalists” when it gets down to it, most people do not believe in everything that is in the Old Testament. And yeah, if you have really read the Old Testament, and you believe every word happened just as it says in there, you are brainwashed, confused or stupid, probably a combo of all three. It’s a moral and religious guide, not a history book.

I think a lot of people that call themselves “Christian fundamentalists” don’t really understand the implications of the word fundamentalists and likely have never really read the Bible and when pressed don’t really believe that the Old Testament is an accurate historical document. The number of people that really believe that the world is only 6,000 years old, was created in six days, that Eve was from Adams rib, that all the evil in the world is because of an apple and discount nearly all of modern science from Physics to Biology to Geology is really pretty low.

So the majority of Okies - who have been described elsewhere on this thread as the 'moralists' - are now brainwashed, confused, stupids? You have the distorted view of your fellow citizens, not me.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Townsend on July 02, 2009, 09:34:17 am
Absent my objections at the use of derogatory terms used to describe the majority of good, kind, Christian folk there would have been none.  Same when filthy language that demeans women is used.  You all pride yourselves at how broad-minded you are,  but that is the front is it not?  You all are the close-minded, intolerant ones.  Not the majority of Okies who are being mocked here.

Delusions must have overtaken you when you believe attempts of calming you down are attacks on the majority of Oklahomans.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 09:36:39 am
Just show up.

My posts are directed at you.  Try to read what you write before hitting "post" and ask yourself how any of it makes sense.

If it does make sense to you, I take it back.  I don't want to know you. 

If it's all a front, then we'd probably be fine.

And who made you the arbiter of what I should think or post?  Why is that even worth your time except to try and demean, degrade, and humiliate me? Why is it important to try and discredit my remarks? Just curious.  And again, an apology is no where in sight.  The bigoted bully stands by his efforts.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2009, 09:39:13 am
Delusions must have overtaken you when you believe attempts of calming you down are attacks on the majority of Oklahomans.

That is what the first page of posts break down to.  Idiots.  Morons.  Driving kids away from the state.  Embarrassing us in front of the nation.

Whatever. Lookkit.  I will break it down again later but I really must be going now.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Townsend on July 02, 2009, 09:42:19 am
And who made you the arbiter of what I should think or post?  Why is that even worth your time except to try and demean, degrade, and humiliate me? Why is it important to try and discredit my remarks? Just curious.  And again, an apology is no where in sight.  The bigoted bully stands by his efforts.

Correct, apparently not worth my time.

Nothing, you are a worthless poster.

Congratulations, you've brought everyone together against you.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: swake on July 02, 2009, 09:49:30 am
So the majority of Okies - who have been described elsewhere on this thread as the 'moralists' - are now brainwashed, confused, stupids? You have the distorted view of your fellow citizens, not me.

Actually, what I said was that I don't think that a majority of Oklahomans are Christian fundamentalists.

Are you?

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: waterboy on July 02, 2009, 09:51:22 am
Correct, apparently not worth my time.

Nothing, you are a worthless poster.

Congratulations, you've brought everyone together against you. I am finally part of a majority. Doesn't feel quite right. Are you supposed to feel, you know, so....good? :)

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Conan71 on July 02, 2009, 09:52:13 am
That's awesome, too bad you just killed a kitten


That's awesome, but scary.  I only thought God killed kittens when people masturbate.

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Townsend on July 02, 2009, 09:55:40 am I am finally part of a majority. Doesn't feel quite right. Are you supposed to feel, you know, so....good? :)


I'm starting to not care that he's disabled.

Wait, I wonder if he prefers "differently abled"

Title: Re: Sally Kern Makes National News Again
Post by: Moderator on July 02, 2009, 09:56:25 am
Hate to be a joy-killer, but this topic has strayed way off course from the OP and has devolved into a free-for-all of personal attacks.  This topic is now locked.  If you think a new topic on moralism and politics can be started and kept civil, have at it, but this thread is done.  Where's the fork?