The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Not At My Table - Political Discussions => National & International Politics => Topic started by: shadows on July 07, 2005, 10:23:09 pm

Title: He who has the gold will rule
Post by: shadows on July 07, 2005, 10:23:09 pm
Time is running out for the councilors who editorial writers indicated they were depending on what the voters expected from their elected represented; not catering to the money vampires who would suck up the tax promotions for their own growing bank accounts.   Now the councilors are being called “Ward Politicians” because they support the district from which they were elected against alleged city hall corruption.

The Editorial writers have noted again the funds each group has raised reflects the way the working poor is in competition with the tax vampires, thus it will determine the outcome of the vote.   Little is noted that the working poor has a hard time making it to the polls in order to vote while the tax vampires can and may pay to have their employees go vote if they are citizens.

There is little chance the working poor would be for promoting expansion of city utilities outside city limits or into other municipality's at the expense of their struggle to maintain a standard quality of life on the thousands of acres of undeveloped land already with cities utilities.

The group against recall only reported 14% of the donations reported by the for recall group.   What does it mean?   “He who has the gold will rule.”